Showing 1,331-1,340 of 2,645 items.

Mapping "Race"

Critical Approaches to Health Disparities Research

Rutgers University Press

The essays in this unique book argue for the inclusion of race as a social construction in the design of large-scale data collection efforts and how scientists must utilize race in the context of specific research questions. This landmark collection concludes on a prescriptive note, providing an arsenal of multidisciplinary, conceptual, and methodological tools for studying race specifically within the context of health inequalities.

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Mapping "Race"

Critical Approaches to Health Disparities Research

Rutgers University Press

The essays in this unique book argue for the inclusion of race as a social construction in the design of large-scale data collection efforts and how scientists must utilize race in the context of specific research questions. This landmark collection concludes on a prescriptive note, providing an arsenal of multidisciplinary, conceptual, and methodological tools for studying race specifically within the context of health inequalities.

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Killer Fat

Media, Medicine, and Morals in the American "Obesity Epidemic”

Rutgers University Press

Killer Fatexamines how and why obesity emerged as a major public health concern and national obsession in recent years. Using primary sources and in-depth interviews, Boero enters the world of bariatric surgeries, Weight Watchers, and Overeaters Anonymous to show how common expectations of what bodies are supposed to look like help to determine what sorts of interventions and policies are considered urgent in containing this new kinds of disease.


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Discipline and Indulgence

College Football, Media, and the American Way of Life during the Cold War

Rutgers University Press

Discipline and Indulgence demonstrates how American popular culture during the early Cold War (1947–1964), especially college football, addressed the nation’s postwar affluence and consumerism and their effects on the population by integrating men into the economy of the Cold War as workers, warriors, and consumers. It assesses the period’s institutional linkage of sport, higher education, media and militarism and finds connections of contemporary sport media to today’s War on Terror.

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Reel Vulnerability

Power, Pain, and Gender in Contemporary American Film and Television

Rutgers University Press

Reel Vulnerability explores the way American popular culture thinks about vulnerability, arguing that our culture and our scholarship remain stubbornly invested in the myth of the helplessness of the female body. It examines the shifting constructions of vulnerability in the wake of the cultural upheavals of World War II, the Cold War, and 9/11, placing defenseless male bodies onscreen alongside representations of the female body in the military, in the interrogation room, and on the margins.

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Jewish Families

Rutgers University Press

Jonathan Boyarin explores a wide range of scholarship in Jewish studies to argue that Jewish family forms and ideologies have varied greatly throughout the times and places where Jewish families have found themselves. He considers a range of family configurations from biblical times to the twenty-first century, including strictly Orthodox communities and new forms of family, including same-sex parents, and suggests productive ways to think about possible futures for Jewish family forms.

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Courting Justice

Ten New Jersey Cases That Shook the Nation

Edited by Paul L. Tractenberg; Foreword by Deborah T. Poritz
Rutgers University Press

Ten cases decided between 1960 and 2011, including the Karen Ann Quinlan decision, the Baby M case, the Mount Laurel decision, Megan’s Law, and the series of decisions known as Abbott/Robinson that directed state funding of poor urban schools on par with suburban districts, shed light on landmark decisions and their impact on national and global events. Different experts cover each case, providing insight into the court’s approach and decision-making process.

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New Jersey Politics and Government, 4th edition

The Suburbs Come of Age

Rutgers University Press

This thoroughly updated fourth edition reflects the challenges New Jersey has overcome and those it continues to face. State politics and government have been almost entirely reshaped in recent decades, and those changes are analyzed in every chapter. It offers a comprehensive overview, covering New Jersey’s political history; campaigns and elections; interest groups; the constitution; the development of government institutions; relationships with neighboring states, the federal government, and its own municipalities and counties; tax and spending policies; and quality of life.

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On-Demand Culture

Digital Delivery and the Future of Movies

Rutgers University Press

On-Demand Culture is unique in its focus on the effects of digital technologies on movie distribution. It offers a compelling introduction to a world in which movies have become digital files and navigates through the complexities of digital delivery to show how new modes of access (online streaming services, digital downloads , DVD kiosks in grocery stores) are redefining how audiences obtain and consume motion picture entertainment and destabilizing the business of culture.

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When Diversity Drops

Race, Religion, and Affirmative Action in Higher Education

Rutgers University Press

Julie J. Park examines how losing racial diversity in a university affects the everyday lives of its students. She uses a student organization as a case study to show how reductions in racial diversity impact the ability of students to sustain multiethnic communities. The book contributes to our understanding of race and inequality in collegiate life and is a valuable resource for educators and researchers interested in the influence of racial politics on students’ lives.

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