What I Do To Get Through
192 pages, 5 x 8
Release Date:18 Feb 2021

What I Do To Get Through

How To Run, Swim, Cycle, Sew, or Sing Your Way Through Depression

Foreword by Cathy Rentzenbrink; Edited by Olivia Sagan and James Withey
Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This collection showcases the honest accounts from those who have dealt with mental health issues, including depression and loneliness. Their stories showcase the strategies that have seen them through their darkest points, and which continue to provide them with a source of hope and solace.

The contributors describe the activities they have used to distract and heal from their suffering, providing readers with the knowledge to help them work out the strategies which will help them in turn.

Olivia Sagan leads the BA in Psychology at Bishop Grosseteste University, UK. She is a former counsellor and chartered psychologist. James Withey is a trained counsellor working in the mental health profession. In 2010, James was diagnosed with clinical depression and attempted suicide and spent time in a psychiatric hospital. James speaks publicly about depression and has featured on Radio 4's "All in the Mind" program in the UK.

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