Established in 1929, the University of New Mexico Press publishes creative works and scholarship in several disciplines, including anthropology, archaeology, indigenous studies, Native studies, Latin American studies, art, architecture, and the history, literature, ecology, and cultures of the American West. UNM Press is the largest publisher in New Mexico and seeks to represent the culture, history, and stories of the Southwest.
"Grace Bauer's MEAN/TIME crackles with intelligence and heart. Reading this book is fuel for anyone's imagination. It does what poetry can do--it takes your mind where it hasn't gone before."--Dara Wier, author of You Good Thing
- Copyright year: 2017
Long Night Moon
A Novel
Long Night Moon continues the story of the Vigils and the Silvas, begun in the authors' first two award-winning novels, Sunlight and Shadow and A Growing Season, depicting a complicated extended family in New Mexico's beautiful Rio Grande Valley.
- Copyright year: 2017
Letters Like the Day
On Reading Georgia O'Keeffe
Taking O'Keeffe's letters as a touchstone, Sinor experiments with the limits of language using the same aesthetic that drove O'Keeffe's art.
- Copyright year: 2017
Ground, Wind, This Body
"In this book a brilliant new voice commands our attention. Tina Carlson's poems take us by surprise, root us in their authenticity, and haunt us with their power."--Margaret Randall, author of She Becomes Time
- Copyright year: 2017
Fight Like a Man and Other Stories We Tell Our Children
"Like her characters, Christine Granados is not afraid to step up and in. It doesn't matter who, what man or woman, Chicano or Chicana, she's fighting to win."--Dagoberto Gilb, author of Before the End, After the Beginning: Stories
- Copyright year: 2017
What They Left Behind
Although rooted in Buswell's experience as a lifelong Montanan, the photographs in this book are no more (or less) "about" Montana than James Joyce's Dubliners, Portrait of an Artist, or Ulysses are "about" Dublin.
- Copyright year: 2017
A Novel
In this futuristic novel, the Yantuck Indians must find a way to preserve the natural environment that survives on their eastern United States reservation and yet participate in a global economy.
- Copyright year: 2004
Manifestos and Polemics in Latin American Modern Art
Bringing together sixty-five primary documents vital to understanding the history of art in Latin America since 1900, Patrick Frank shows how modern art developed in Latin America in this important new work complementing his previous book, Twentieth-Century Art of Latin America, Revised and Expanded Edition.
- Copyright year: 2017
Jerónimo Antonio Gil and the Idea of the Spanish Enlightenment
Examining the career of a largely unstudied eighteenth-century engraver, this book establishes Jerónimo Antonio Gil, a man immersed within the complicated culture and politics of the Spanish empire, as a major figure in the history of both Spanish and Mexican art.
- Copyright year: 2017
With a Book in Their Hands
Chicano/a Readers and Readerships across the Centuries
In this collection, Manuel M. Martín-Rodríguez gathers diverse and passionate accounts of reading drawn from several research projects aimed at documenting Chicana and Chicano reading practices and experiences.
- Copyright year: 2014