The University of Alabama Press
As the scholarly publishing arm of the university, The University of Alabama Press serves as an agent in the advancement of learning and the dissemination of scholarship. The Press applies the highest standards to all phases of publishing including acquisitions, editorial, production, and marketing.

UAP has won numerous awards for its publications over the years and has developed a solid list of titles in archaeology, public administration, and several areas of literature and history. With a staff of 17, the Press publishes between 80 to 85 books a year and has a backlist of approximately 1,800 titles in print.
Showing 91-100 of 1,964 items.

In Heaven Everything is Fine

University of Alabama Press, Fiction Collective 2

A young man's initiation into the difficulty of life amidst the hard realities of love, waste, and failure

  • Copyright year: 1991
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Is It Sexual Harassment Yet?

By Cris Mazza; Introduction by Allan Kornblum; Preface by Pamela Caughie
University of Alabama Press, Fiction Collective 2

Absurdist sitcoms alternating with off beat psychodramas and tales of trauma.

  • Copyright year: 1991
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Mermaids for Attila

University of Alabama Press, Fiction Collective 2

A bathotopia for the living

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Trigger Dance

University of Alabama Press, Fiction Collective 2

1990 Winner of the Mildren P. Nilon Award for Minority Fiction

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From Spaniard to Creole

The Archaeology of Cultural Formation at Puerto Real, Haiti

University of Alabama Press

While most studies of intercultural contact focus on the impact of the intrusive power on the native culture, this book examines the effects of the colonization process on the Spaniards in the New World during the 16th century.

  • Copyright year: 1991
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Iberville's Gulf Journals

University of Alabama Press

The three journals included in Iberville’s Gulf Journals record Iberville’s service from 1699 to 1702.

  • Copyright year: 1991
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Applications of Research in Music Behavior

University of Alabama Press

A compilation of current research that investigates various aspects of musical experience

  • Copyright year: 1991
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University of Alabama Press

Originally published in 1941, Cottonmouth is an Alabama novel like no other in its evocation of the sights, sounds, and smells of the city of Mobile, and in its depiction of a young boy growing up in the Deep South during the early 20th century. Highly autobiographical, the book is, in a real sense, two stories in one: the biography of a boy from his earliest memories through high school, and the life of a city in the years between the two world wars.

  • Copyright year: 1991
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Moundville's Economy

University of Alabama Press

Moundville's Economy opens a new field of archaeological investigation: the relationship between fine details of economic organization and large-scale political fortunes.

  • Copyright year: 1991
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Old Mobile

Fort Louis de la Louisiane, 1702-1711

University of Alabama Press

The highly praised, landmark history of the founding of Mobile

  • Copyright year: 1991
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