On March 22, the United Nation’s “World Water Day” initiative asks us to reflect on the importance of water. This year’s theme, “Nature for Water,” explores how nature provides the best solutions to our water challenges. Today we’re highlighting five books that contribute to the dialogue surrounding water governance in Canada and beyond.
Leaky Governance Alternative Service Delivery and the Myth of Water Utility Independence
Kathryn Furlong
Leaky Governance addresses urgent and topical questions in urban governance and water management, tackling increasingly pressing environmental, political, and social issues surrounding water supply and their relationship to urban governance and economics, as well as to broader issues in public policy.
Eau Canada The Future of Canada’s Water
Edited by Karen Bakker
As the sustainability of our natural resources is increasingly questioned, Canadians remain stubbornly convinced of the unassailability of our water. Mounting evidence suggests, however, that Canadian water is under threat. Eau Canada assembles the country’s top water experts to discuss our most pressing water issues.
What is Water? The History of a Modern Abstraction
Jamie Linton
Every water issue is a social issue. And yet, in contrast to almost every other culture, we define water in the modern West as a substance entirely devoid of social content. How is it that we have come to think of water in this way, as an abstract compound of hydrogen and oxygen, and what are the consequences?
Wet Prairie People, Land, and Water in Agricultural Manitoba
Shannon Stunden Bower
Wet Prairie brings to light the problems and complexities of surface water management in Manitoba, from early efforts to drain the landscape to late-twentieth-century attempts to establish watershed management.
Replenish The Virtuous Cycle of Water and Prosperity
Sandra Postel
New from our publishing partner, Island Press
Timely and pertinent to this year’s World Water Day theme, “Nature for Water,” we’re proud to highlight a book from our publishing partner, Island Press. In Replenish, Sandra Postel takes readers around the world to explore water projects that work with, rather than against, nature’s rhythms.