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The University of Arizona Press is the premier publisher of academic, regional, and literary works in the state of Arizona. They disseminate ideas and knowledge of lasting value that enrich understanding, inspire curiosity, and enlighten readers. They advance the University of Arizona’s mission by connecting scholarship and creative expression to readers worldwide.

Showing 401-450 of 1,704 items.

Latinx Superheroes in Mainstream Comics

The University of Arizona Press

The foremost expert on Latinx comics, Frederick Luis Aldama guides us through the full archive of all the Latinx superheros in comics since the 1940s. Aldama takes us where the superheroes live—the barrios, the hospitals, the school rooms, the farm fields—and he not only shows us a view to the Latinx content, sometimes deeply embedded, but also provokes critical inquiry into the way storytelling formats distill and reconstruct real Latinos/as.

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Cuba, Hot and Cold

The University of Arizona Press

Since his first visit to the island thirty years ago, Tom Miller has shown us the real people of Havana and the countryside, the Castros and their government, and the protesters and their rigor. His first book on Cuba, Trading with the Enemy, brought readers into the “Special Period,” Fidel’s name for the country’s period of economic free fall. Cuba, Hot and Cold brings us up to date, providing intimate and authentic glimpses of day-to-day life.

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Palm Frond with Its Throat Cut

The University of Arizona Press

Palm Frond with Its Throat Cut uses both humor and sincerity to capture moments in time with a sense of compassion for the hard choices we must make to survive. Vértiz’s poetry shows how history, oppression, and resistance don’t just refer to big events or movements; they play out in our everyday lives, in the intimate spaces of family, sex, and neighborhood. Vértiz’s poems ask us to see Los Angeles—and all cities like it—as they have always been: an America of code-switching and reinvention, of lyric and fight.

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Of Cartography


The University of Arizona Press

In this long-anticipated collection, Belin daringly maps the poetics of womanhood, the body, institution, family, and love. Depicting the personal and the political, Of Cartography is an exploration of identity through language. With poems ranging from prose to typographic and linguistic illustrations, this distinctive collection pushes the boundaries of traditional poetic form.

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The King of Lighting Fixtures


The University of Arizona Press

Wanderers and writers, gangbangers and lawyers, dreamers and devils. The King of Lighting Fixtures paints an idiosyncratic but honest portrait of Los Angeles, depicting how the city both entrances and confounds. Each story serves as a reflection of Daniel A. Olivas’s grand City of Angels, a “magical metropolis where dreams come true.”

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The Nature of Spectacle

On Images, Money, and Conserving Capitalism

The University of Arizona Press

In The Nature of Spectacle, Jim Igoe explores how we imagine nature and how nature shapes our imaginations. The book traces spectacular productions of imagined nature across time and space, illuminating the often surprising intersections of consumerism, entertainment, and environmental policy.

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No Species Is an Island

Bats, Cacti, and Secrets of the Sonoran Desert

The University of Arizona Press

No Species Is an Island describes the surprising results of Theodore H. Fleming’s eleven-year study of pollination biology in Sonora, Mexico, in the most biologically diverse desert in the world. These discoveries serve as a primer on how to conduct ecological research, and offer important conservation lessons for us all. Fleming offers an insightful look at how field ecologists work, and the often big surprises that come from looking carefully at a natural world where no species stands alone.

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Chicano Popular Culture, Second Edition

Que Hable el Pueblo

The University of Arizona Press

Featuring clear examples, an engaging writing style, and helpful discussion questions, Chicano Popular Culture, Second Edition provides a fascinating, timely, and accessible introduction to Chicano cultural expression and representation.

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A Quiet Victory for Latino Rights

FDR and the Controversy Over "Whiteness"

The University of Arizona Press

In 1935 a federal court judge handed down a ruling that could have been disastrous for Mexicans, Mexican Americans, and all Latinos in the United States. However, in an unprecedented move, the Roosevelt administration wielded the power of “administrative law” to neutralize the decision and thereby dealt a severe blow to the nativist movement. A Quiet Victory for Latino Rights recounts this important but little-known story.

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Starving for Justice

Hunger Strikes, Spectacular Speech, and the Struggle for Dignity

The University of Arizona Press

Focusing on three hunger strikes occurring on university campuses in California in the 1990s, Ralph Armbruster-Sandoval examines people’s willingness to make the extreme sacrifice and give their lives in order to create a more just society.

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Battle Against Extinction

Native Fish Management in the American West

The University of Arizona Press

"[A]n essential addition to the library of anyone concerned with conservation of native fishes, [Battle Against Extinction] provides a detailed historical review of research and management programs in a single source and serves as a prospectus for future conservation efforts."—Copeia

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Rudo Ensayo

A Description of Sonora and Arizona in 1764

The University of Arizona Press

An incomparable record of a twelve-year mission in 18th century Sonora, the Rudo Ensayo as rendered in modern English is also a fascinating travelogue through an untamed land.

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Rim of Christendom

A Biography of Eusebio Francisco Kino, Pacific Coast Pioneer

The University of Arizona Press

"This re-issued biography recounts [Kino's] work with loving detail and with an accuracy that has survived slight amendments. Its accompanying plates, maps, and bibliography enhance a text that should find a place in every serious library."—Religious Studies Review

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Arid Lands in Perspective

The University of Arizona Press

Represents the combined efforts of many people with varied orientations to summarize aspects of current research and knowledge relevant for the multitudes attempting to inhabit Earth’s warm arid areas, known for their imbalance of natural resources.

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Where the Strange Roads Go Down

The University of Arizona Press

Mary and Fred del Villar's desire to travel "the strange roads" of rural Mexico led to a 750-mile walk from Lake Patzcuaro to the Pacific Ocean in 1951. For three months they endured sun, scorpions, floods, and hunger, but also found warm friendship everywhere they went.

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Use-Wear Analysis of Flaked Stone Tools

The University of Arizona Press

This major contribution to archaeological method details the use-wear analysis of a set of stone tools recovered during the excavation of Cassegros Cave, in southwestern France. The study combines low-power and high-power microwear approaches and develops their potential for use on a wider range of lithic and contact materials than have been reported previously.

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The People of Sonora and Yankee Capitalists

The University of Arizona Press

Examines how the advent of North American dollars between 1882 and 1910 helped reshape the economic, social, and political contours of a Mexican province on the border of Arizona.

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The Origin and Development of the Pueblo Katsina Cult

The University of Arizona Press

Examines the concept of the katsina and the religion that developed around it, focusing on what makes katsinas unique, why the concept was developed, and what adaptive value it had for prehistoric Pueblo culture.

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The Chicanos

As We See Ourselves

The University of Arizona Press

Thirteen Chicano scholars draw upon their personal experiences and expertise to paint a vivid, colorful portrait of what it means to be a Chicano.

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Piman Shamanism and Staying Sickness (Ká:cim Múmkidag)

The University of Arizona Press

This definitive study of shamanic theory and practice was developed through a four-person collaboration: three Tohono O’odham Indians—a shaman, a translator, and a trained linguist—and a non-Indian explicator. It provides an in-depth examination of the Piman philosophy of sickness as well as an introduction to the world view of an entire people.

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Phoenix Indian School

The Second Half-Century

The University of Arizona Press

Provides a history of the Phoenix Indian School from 1930 until the graduation of its final class of nineteen students in 1990. Dorothy Parker tells how the Phoenix Indian School not only adapted to policy changes instituted by the federal government but also had to contend with events occurring in the world around it, such as the Great Depression, World War II, and the advent of the "red power" movement.

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Persistent Peoples

Cultural Enclaves in Perspective

The University of Arizona Press

What constitutes a people? Persistent Peoples draws on enduring groups from around the world to identify and analyze the phenomenon of cultural enclavement. While race, homeland, or language are often considered to be determining factors, the authors of these original articles demonstrate a more basic common denominator: a continuity of common identity in resistance to absorption by a dominant surrounding culture.

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Navajo Architecture

Forms, History, Distributions

The University of Arizona Press

Complete explication of hogan and house forms, root forms, summer structures and more make this possibly the most complete study ever made of the folk architecture of a tribal society to date.

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John Xántus

The Fort Tejon Letters, 1857–1859

The University of Arizona Press

Captures the exploits of one of the Smithsonian's early specimen collectors in the American West.

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Friar Bringas Reports to the King

Methods of Indoctrination on the Frontier of New Spain, 1796–97

The University of Arizona Press

A significant contribution to a deeper understanding of the Spanish period in Arizona and Sonora, Mexico, this translation of Father Diego Miguel Bringas' 1796–97 report on missionary activities presents a rare first-hand account of Spanish attempts to direct cultural change among the Pima Indians.

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Chronological Analysis of Tsegi Phase Sites in Northeastern Arizona

The University of Arizona Press

Papers of the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, No. 3, this book presents archaeological and chronological data on thirteen Tsegi Phase sites in the area of Tsegi Canyon in northeastern Arizona, for a comprehensive characterization of the Tsegi Phase.

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With Three Versions of the Myth Recorded and Translated from the Navajo by Father Berard Haile, O.F.M.

The University of Arizona Press

An outstanding work crafted from the handwritten pages of translations from the Navajo of the late Father Berard Haile giving three separate versions of the Blessingway rite with each version consisting of a prose text accompanied by the ritual songs and prayers. Valuable insights into the character and use of the Blessingway rite; its ceremonial procedures, its mythology, and its drypaintings.

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American Labor in the Southwest

The First One Hundred Years

Edited by James C. Foster
The University of Arizona Press
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Staking Claim

Settler Colonialism and Racialization in Hawai'i

The University of Arizona Press

Staking Claim analyzes Hawai‘i at the crossroads of competing claims for identity, belonging, and political status. Judy Rohrer argues that the dual settler colonial processes of racializing native Hawaiians (erasing their indigeneity), and indigenizing non-Hawaiians, enable the staking of non-Hawaiian claims to Hawai‘i.

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Outside Theater

Alliances That Shape Mexico

The University of Arizona Press

Stuart A. Day examines Mexican plays from 1905 to 2015 to explore the concept of “outside theater,” where people or groups translate the tools of the theatrical trade to a different stage, outside the walls of the theater, and play the part of fictional or real life Celestinas—matchmakers who unite seemingly disparate entities to promote social awareness and social action by working the borders between life and art.

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The Great Plains

A Fire Survey

The University of Arizona Press

Volume 5 of To the Last Smoke introduces a region that once lay at the geographic heart of American fire and today promises to reclaim something of that heritage. After all these years, the Great Plains continue to bear witness to how fires can shape contemporary life, and vice versa. In this collection of essays, Stephen J. Pyne explores how this once most regularly and widely burned province of North America, composed of various sub-regions and peoples, has been shaped by the flames contained within it and what fire, both tame and feral, might mean for the future of its landscapes.

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American Indians and National Forests

The University of Arizona Press

Winner of the Forest History Society's Charles A. Weyerhaeuser Book Award, American Indians and National Forests shows how tribal nations and the U.S. Forest Service have dealt with important changes in forest ownership and forest use. Author Theodore Catton expertly covers two centuries of interplay to offer the first-ever look at the changing relationships between these two important groups of forest stewards.

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A Land Apart

The Southwest and the Nation in the Twentieth Century

The University of Arizona Press

Spur Award Winner for Best Contemporary Nonfiction, A Land Apart is not just a cultural history of the modern Southwest—it is a complete rethinking and recentering of the key players and primary events marking the Southwest in the twentieth century. Historian Flannery Burke emphasizes policy over politicians, communities over individuals, and stories over simple narratives.

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Word Images

New Perspectives on Canícula and Other Works by Norma Elia Cantú

The University of Arizona Press

A collection of critical essays that for the first time unveil Norma Elia Cantú’s contribution as a folklorist, writer, scholar, and teacher. Word Images unites two valuable ways to view and use Cantú’s work: Part I comprises essays that individually examine Cantú’s oeuvre through critical analysis. Part II is dedicated to ideas and techniques to improve the use of this literature by teachers and professors, with a particular focus on tools for using Canícula.

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The Winged

An Upper Missouri River Ethno-ornithology

The University of Arizona Press

The Winged integrates published and archival sources covering archaeology, ethnohistory, historical ethnography, folklore, and interviews with elders from the Blackfoot, Assiniboine, Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara, and Crow communities to explore how relationships between people and birds are situated in contemporary practice, and what has fostered its cultural persistence.

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The Value of Things

Prehistoric to Contemporary Commodities in the Maya Region

The University of Arizona Press

The Value of Things examines the social and ritual value of commodities in Mesoamerica, providing a new and dynamic temporal view of the roles of trade of commodities and elite goods from the prehistoric Maya to the present. Well-known scholars examine the value of specific commodities in a broad time frame—from prehistoric, colonial, and historic times to the present.

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The U.S.-Mexico Transborder Region

Cultural Dynamics and Historical Interactions

The University of Arizona Press

Not a static entity, the transborder region is peopled by ever-changing groups who face the challenges of social inequality: political enforcement of privilege, economic subordination of indigenous communities, and organized resistance to domination. Editors Carlos G. Vélez-Ibáñez and Josiah Heyman envision this region as involving diverse and unequal social groups in dynamic motion over thousands of years. Thus the historical interaction of the U.S.-Mexico border, however massively unequal and powerful, is only the most recent manifestation of this longer history and common ecology.

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Navajo Sovereignty

Understandings and Visions of the Diné People

Edited by Lloyd L. Lee; Foreword by Jennifer Nez Denetdale
The University of Arizona Press

A companion to Diné Perspectives: Revitalizing and Reclaiming Navajo Thought, each chapter of Navajo Sovereignty offers the contributors’ individual perspectives. This book discusses Western law’s view of Diné sovereignty, research, activism, creativity, and community, and Navajo sovereignty in traditional education. Above all, Lloyd L. Lee and the contributing scholars and community members call for the rethinking of Navajo sovereignty in a way more rooted in Navajo beliefs, culture, and values.

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Foreign Objects

Rethinking Indigenous Consumption in American Archaeology

The University of Arizona Press

Foreign Objects demonstrates the breadth and vibrancy of contemporary archaeology. Taking a broad set of archaeological cases from across the Americas, editor Craig N. Cipolla and the volume contributors explore how indigenous communities have socialized foreign objects over time. The book critiques the artificial divide between prehistory and history, studying instead the long-term indigenous histories of consumption, a term typically associated with capitalism and modern-world colonialism.

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U.S. Central Americans

Reconstructing Memories, Struggles, and Communities of Resistance

The University of Arizona Press

U.S. Central Americans explores the shared yet distinctive experiences, histories, and cultures of 1.5-and second-generation Central Americans in the United States. While much has been written about U.S. and Central American military, economic, and political relations, this is the first book to articulate the rich and dynamic cultures, stories, and historical memories of Central American communities in the United States. Contributors to this anthology—often writing from their own experiences as members of this community—articulate U.S. Central Americans’ unique identities as they also explore the contradictions found within this multivocal group.

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Cooperatives, Grassroots Development, and Social Change

Experiences from Rural Latin America

The University of Arizona Press

Cooperatives, Grassroots Development, and Social Change presents examples from Paraguay, Brazil, and Colombia, examining what is necessary for smallholder agricultural cooperatives to support holistic community-based development in peasant communities. Reporting on successes and failures of these cooperative efforts, the contributors offer analyses and strategies for supporting collective grassroots interests. Illustrating how poverty and inequality affect rural people, they reveal how cooperative organizations can support grassroots development strategies while negotiating local contexts of inequality amid the broader context of international markets and global competition.

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At the Border of Empires

The Tohono O'odham, Gender, and Assimilation, 1880-1934

The University of Arizona Press

The border between the United States and Mexico, established in 1853, passes through the territory of the Tohono O’odham peoples. This revealing book sheds light on Native American history as well as conceptions of femininity, masculinity, and empire.

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After the Wildfire

Ten Years of Recovery from the Willow Fire

The University of Arizona Press

Naturalist John Alcock details the aftermath of a devastating wildfire in the lower reaches of Arizona’s Mazatzal Mountains. Documenting for a decade the chaparral landscape left in the wake of the Willow fire, Alcock thrills at the renewal of the region as he hikes in and photographs plants and animals in a once-blackened wildland now teeming with resurgent life.

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Postcards from the Sonora Border

Visualizing Place Through a Popular Lens, 1900s–1950s

The University of Arizona Press

Between 1900 and the late 1950s, Mexican border towns came of age both as centers of commerce and as tourist destinations. Postcards from the Sonora Border reveals how images—in this case the iconic postcard—shape the way we experience and think about place. Making use of his personal collection of historic images, Daniel D. Arreola captures the evolution of Sonoran border towns, creating a sense of visual “time travel” for the reader. Supported by maps and visual imagery, the author shares the geographical and historical story of five unique border towns—Agua Prieta, Naco, Nogales, Sonoyta, and San Luis Río Colorado.

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Iep Jaltok

Poems from a Marshallese Daughter

The University of Arizona Press

Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner raises a call to action as the seas rise over the Marshall Islands. Weaving together history, personal experience, and Marshallese perspectives, the author provides a glimpse into a culture and people that is ancient and resilient—but that is also changing and adapting to each new threat. She uses the power of poetry to demand justice in the face of the devastating effects of climate change on her home island. Iep Jaltok is the first published book of poetry written by a Marshallese author.

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Long Stories Cut Short

Fictions from the Borderlands

The University of Arizona Press

Frederick Luis Aldama and graphic artists from Mapache Studios give shape to ugly truths in the most honest way, creating new perceptions, thoughts, and feelings about life in the borderlands of the Américas. Each bilingual prose-art fictional snapshot offers an unsentimentally complex glimpse into what it means to exist at the margins of society today.

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Stealing Shining Rivers

Agrarian Conflict, Market Logic, and Conservation in a Mexican Forest

The University of Arizona Press

Named Best Social Sciences Book (Latin American Studies Association, Mexico Section), this book describes how Chimalapas, a rainforest in Mexico’s southern state of Oaxaca, was appropriated and redefined by environmentalists. Molly Doane demonstrates that good intentions are not always enough to produce results that benefit both a habitat and its many different types of indigenous inhabitants.

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Matrons and Maids

Regulating Indian Domestic Service in Tucson, 1914–1934

The University of Arizona Press

This book recounts the fascinating story of the placing of Native American girls into the homes of white families for domestic service during their summer vacations from boarding schools run by the federal Office of Indian Affairs. It complicates our picture of “women’s work” and the complex involvement of white women as agents of colonization.

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Food Systems in an Unequal World

Pesticides, Vegetables, and Agrarian Capitalism in Costa Rica

The University of Arizona Press

Food Systems in an Unequal World examines regulatory risk and how it translates to and impacts farmers in the agrochemical-dependent agriculture industry of Costa Rica. Ryan E. Galt shows how the food produced for domestic markets lacks regulation similar to that of export markets, creating a dangerous double standard of pesticide use. In seeking solutions, Galt argues for improved governance and research into alternative pest control but emphasizes that the process must be rooted in farmers’ economic well-being.

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