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The Sprawl Repair Manual
304 pages, 8 x 10
Release Date:24 Sep 2010
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Release Date:14 Sep 2010
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The Sprawl Repair Manual

Island Press
The Sprawl Repair Manual demonstrates a step-by-step designprocess for the re-balancing and re-urbanization of suburbia into moresustainable, economical, energy- and resource-efficient patterns, fromthe region and the community to the block and the individual building.As Galina Tachieva asserts in this exceptionally useful book, sprawlrepair will require a proactive and aggressive approach, focused ondesign, regulation and incentives. The Sprawl Repair Manual isa much-needed, single-volume reference for fixing sprawl, incorporatingchanges into the regulatory system, and implementing repairs throughincentives and permitting strategies.
Galina Tachieva is a partner and director of townplanning at the central office of Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company, inMiami, Florida. She is originally from Bulgaria, and received amaster’s degree in architecture from the University ofArchitecture and Civil Engineering in Sofia and a master’s inurban design from the University of Miami, Florida. Galina submitted a“Sprawl Repair Kit,” which contains some of the ideas anddrawings from her book, to the 2009 Re-Burbia competition sponsored bythe blog Inhabitat and DWELL magazine, where it wonthe People’s Choice Award.
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