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The Fabric of Indigeneity
328 pages, 6 x 9
16 color plates, 1 map, 2 tables
Release Date:01 Oct 2016
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The Fabric of Indigeneity

Ainu Identity, Gender, and Settler Colonialism in Japan

University of New Mexico Press

In present-day Japan, Ainu women create spaces of cultural vitalization in which they can move between "being Ainu" through their natal and affinal relationships and actively "becoming Ainu" through their craftwork. They craft these spaces despite the specter of loss that haunts the efforts of former colonial subjects, like Ainu, to reconnect with their pasts. The author synthesizes ethnographic field research, museum and archival research, and participation in cultural-revival and rights-based organizing to show how women craft Ainu and indigenous identities through clothwork and how they also fashion lived connections to ancestral values and lifestyles. She examines the connections between the transnational dialogue on global indigeneity and multiculturalism, material culture, and the social construction of gender and ethnicity in Japanese society, and she proposes new directions for the study of settler colonialism and indigenous mobilization in other Asian and Pacific nations.

A welcome addition to the scholarship on Ainu identity and settler colonialism. . . . This brilliant, complex, and engaging study deserves attention.'--Native American and Indigenous Studies
Excellent, informative, and insightful. . . . It is a must read for anyone who wants to study about Japan.'--Journal of Japanese Studies

ann-elise lewallen is an associate professor of modern Japanese cultural studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She is a coeditor of Beyond Ainu Studies: Changing Academic and Public Perspectives.

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