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The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 45, 2007
660 pages, 7 x 10
Release Date:30 Jan 2009
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The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 45, 2007

Edited by D.M. McRae
UBC Press
This is the forty-fifth volume of The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, the first volume of which was published in 1963. The Yearbook is issued annually under the auspices of the Canadian Branch of the International Law Association (Canadian Society of International Law) and the Canadian Council on International Law. The Editor-in-Chief is D.M. McRae, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, and the Associate Editor is A.L.C. de Mestral, Faculty of Law, McGill University. Its Boards of Editors includes scholars from leading universities in Canada. The Yearbook contains articles of lasting significance in the field of international legal studies, a notes and comments section, a digest of international economic law, a section on current Canadian practice in international law, a digest of important Canadian cases in the fields of public international law, private international law, and conflict of laws, a list of recent treaties, and book reviews.


  • , Winner - Hugh Lawford Award for Excellence in Legal Publishing, Canadian Association of Law Libraries
RELATED TOPICS: International Law, Law, Reference


Les processus canadien et communautaire de négociation des traités, la Société civile et le Principe démocratique: Leçons à tirer de la Communauté européenne / France Morrissette

Weaving a Tangled Web: Hape and the Obfuscation of Canadian Reception Law / John H. Currie

La responsabilité internationale d’État pour le fait d’entreprises militaires privées / Marie-Louise Tougas

The Special Court for Sierra Leone, Child Soldiers, and Forced Marriage: Providing Clarity or Confusion? / Valerie Oosterveld

L ’incorporation de la coutume internationale en common law canadienne / François Larocque et Martin Kreuser

State Immunity, State Atrocities, and Civil Justice in the Modern Era of International Law / Chile Eboe-Osuji

Canada and the 2003 Invasion of Iraq: Prime Minister Chrétien’s Gloss on the UN Charter Principles on the Use of Force / Edward Mcwhinney

Le processus d’adhésion de la Turquie à l’Union européenne: Le rôle déterminant des critères politiques de Copenhague / Idil Atak

John Peters Humphrey: Canadian Nationalist and World Government Advocate / Erin C. Roth


Chronique de Droit international économique en 2006 / Digest of International Economic Law in 2006

Commerce / Richard Ouellet

Le Canada et le système financier international en 2006 / Bernard Colas

Investissement / Céline Lévesque


Canadian Practice in International Law / Pratique canadienne en matière de droit international

At the Department of Foreign Affairs in 2006–7 / Au ministère des Affaires étrangères en 2006–7 / Alan Kessel

Parliamentary Declarations in 2005–6 / Déclarations parlementaires en 2005–6 / Alexandra Logvin

Treaty Action Taken by Canada in 2006 / Mesures prises par le Canada en matière de traités en 2006 / Jaqueline Caron


Cases / Jurisprudence

Canadian Cases in Public International Law in 2006–7 / La jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international public en 2006–7 / Gibran van Ert

Canadian Cases in Private International Law in 2006–7 / La jurisprudence canadienne en matière de droit international privé en 2006–7 / Joost Blom


Book Reviews / Recensions de livres

Analytical Index / Index analytique

Index of Cases / Index de la jurisprudence

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