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512 pages, 7 x 10
Release Date:01 Feb 2002
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The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 38, 2000

UBC Press

The Canadian Yearbook of International Law is issued annually under the auspices of the Canadian Branch of the International Law Association (Canadian Society of International Law) and the Canadian Council on International Law.

The Yearbook contains articles of lasting significance in the field of international legal studies, a notes and comments section, a digest of international economic law, a section on current Canadian practice in international law, a digest of important Canadian cases in the fields of public international law, private international law, and conflict of laws, a list of recent Canadian treaties, and book reviews.

RELATED TOPICS: International Law, Law, Reference
D.M. McRae (editor-in-chief) is a member of the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa. A.L.C. de Mestral (associate editor) is a member of the Faculty of Law at McGill University.


Using Treaties in Canadian Courts / Sommaire and Summary -- Gibran Van Ert

Regulatory Expropriation and State Intent / Sommaire and Summary -- Katharina A. Byrne

Peut-on justifier l'intervention de l'OTAN au Kosovo sur le plan humanitaire? Analyse de la politique occidentale et ses consequences en Macedoine / Summary and Sommaire -- Michael Barutciski

Parallel Proceedings -- Converging Views: The Westec Appeal / Sommaire and Summary -- Janet Walker

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires

The Nova Scotia-Newfoundland Dispute over the Limits of Their Respective Offshore Areas / Sommaire and Summary -- Valerie Hughes

L'affaire "CE--Amiante" et la nouvelle jurisprudence de l'Organe d'appel de l'OMC concernant les risques a la sante / Summary and Sommaire -- Gabrielle Marceau

Talisman Energy, Sudan, and Corporate Social Responsibility / Sommaire and Summary -- Chi Carmody

Reporting to the Human Rights Committee: The Canadian Experience / Sommaire and Summary -- Marie-France Major

Chronique de Droit international economique en 1999 / Digest of International Economic Law in 1999

Commerce, prepare par Sophie Dufour

Le Canada et le systeme financier international en 1999, prepare par Bernard Colas Investissement, prepare par Celine Levesque

Canadian Practice in International Law / La pratique canadienne en matiere de droit international public

At the Department of Foreign Affairs in 1999-2000 / Au ministere des Affaires etrangeres en 1999-2000 -- compiled by / prepare par Michael Leir

Parliamentary Declarations in 1999-2000 / Declarations parlementaires en 1999-2000 -- compiled by / prepare par Michael Veck

Treaty Action Taken by Canada in 1999 / Mesures prises par le Canada en matiere de traites en 1999 -- compiled by / prepare par Andre Bergeron

Cases / La Jurisprudence

Canadian Cases in Public International Law in 1999-2000 / La jurisprudence canadienne en matiere de droit international public en 1999-2000 -- compiled by / prepare par Karin Mickelson

Canadian Cases in Private International Law in 1999-2000 / La jurisprudence canadienne en matiere de droit international prive en 1999-2000 -- compiled by / prepare par Joost Blom

Book Review / Recensions de livres

Analytical Index / Index analytique

Index of Cases / Index de la jurisprudence

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