344 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Release Date:31 Mar 2023

the book of webs

University of Massachusetts Press

Word spreads from one recovering self-inflicted eye surgery patient to the next of a mystical book capable of overturning the Burlingtonian Empire.

the book of webs weaves a devious and captivating tapestry of conflicting histories, of misremembered fragments, of mysteries told and retold in the darkness. The insurgents tell of an enemy so powerful it owns the air, refers to itself, not as Burlington, but as the real world, and has even managed to coopt dissenters’ thoughts. Their only hope is to conspire with the uprisings of their bodies: slips of the tongue, excretions, tics, bad hair days, and, most importantly, their dreams.

In this darkly comic and inventive novel, Kohn introduces a network of shapeshifters and misfits. A militant priestess must brood over orphaned angel eggs. A post-punk band animates a messianic homunculus made of belly button lint. A failed dream journalist is driven to go on a terrible first date to heaven. Each dream reenactment is a chapter in a book—the book to come. The book of webs.

RELATED TOPICS: Fiction, Literature
Jesse Kohn holds an MFA in creative writing from Brown University and is currently a PhD student at the University of Utah, where he teaches writing and is a prose editor for Quarterly West.
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