Sustainability in America's Cities
Creating the Green Metropolis
"Sustainability" is more than the latest "green"buzzword. It represents a new way of viewing the interactions of humansociety and the natural world. Sustainability in America'sCities highlights how America's largest cities are acting todevelop sustainable solutions to conflicts between development andenvironment.
As sustainability rises to the top of public policy agendas inAmerican cities, it is also emerging as a new discipline in collegesand universities. Specifically designed for these educational programs,this is the first book to provide empirically based, multi-disciplinarycase studies of sustainability policy, planning, and practice inaction. It is also valuable for everyone who designs and implementssustainability initiatives, including policy makers, public sector andnon-profit practitioners, and consultants.
Sustainability in America's Cities brings togetheracademic and practicing professionals to offer firsthand insight intoinnovative strategies that cities have adopted in renewable energy andenergy efficiency, climate change, green building, clean-tech and greenjobs, transportation and infrastructure, urban forestry and sustainablefood production. Case studies examine sustainability initiatives in awide range of American cities, including San Francisco, Honolulu,Philadelphia, Phoenix, Milwaukee, New York City, Portland, Oregon andWashington D.C. The concluding chapter ties together the empiricalevidence and recounts lessons learned for sustainability planning andpolicy.