Studies in Canadian Military History

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Series Editor: Tim Cook

The Studies in Canadian Military History Series, published in association with the Canadian War Museum, presents the best of contemporary scholarship to provide new insights into all aspects of Canadian military history, from earliest times to recent events. The work of a new generation of scholars is especially encouraged and the books employ a variety of approaches - cultural, social, intellectual, economic, political, and comparative - to investigate gaps in the existing historiography. The books in the series feed immediately into future exhibitions, programs, and outreach efforts by the Canadian War Museum

Showing 61-63 of 63 items.

Avoiding Armageddon

Canadian Military Strategy and Nuclear Weapons, 1950-1963

UBC Press

An examination of Canadian military thinking on key issues of the nuclear age, such as deterrence, arms control, strategic stability, air defence, and the domestic acquisition of nuclear weapons.

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A War of Patrols

Canadian Army Operations in Korea

UBC Press

Impeccably researched and analytical, this comprehensive account of the Canadian campaign in the Korean War provides the first detailed study of the training, leadership, operations, and tactics of the brigade under each of its three wartime commanders.

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