Social Policy and the Ethic of Care
Over the last twenty years, the feminist ethic of care has had a significant impact on the study of ethics and political philosophy. Hankivsky develops the concept of a publicly viable ethic of care, and applies it to several Canadian social policy issues.
Tough on Kids
Rethinking Approaches to Youth Justice
In this compelling, thought-provoking and sometimes heartbreaking book, the authors use the stories of their young clients to illustrate the very real costs of the current system, analyzing theories behind youth justice, and how these are reflected in Canadian legislation both past and present.
The Emergence of Social Security in Canada
Third Edition
The first and most detailed history of Canadian social security from colonial times to the present, The Emergence of Social Security in Canada has become a standard text in social work and related courses in post-secondary institutions across Canada, since its publication in 1980.
Challenge of Child Welfare
The first Canadian text on child welfare, this work examines a number of issues which represent the state of the art of child welfare in Canada.
Professional Child and Youth Care, Second Edition
The book covers a spectrum of key concerns within the field of child and youth care in Canada, and presents an analysis that spans a variety of program areas.