Ruth Benedict
448 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Jan 1989
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Ruth Benedict

Stranger in This Land

University of Texas Press

Poet, anthropologist, feminist—Ruth Fulton Benedict was all of these and much more. Born into the last years of the Victorian era, she came of age during the Progressive years and participated in inaugurating the modern era of American life. Ruth Benedict: Stranger in This Land provides an intellectual and cultural history of the first half of the twentieth century through the life of an important and remarkable woman.

As a Lyricist poet, Ruth Benedict helped define Modernism. As an anthropologist, she wrote the classic Patterns of Culture and at one point was considered the foremost anthropologist in the United States—the first woman ever to attain such status. She was an intellectual and an artist living in a time when women were not encouraged to be either. In this fascinating study, Margaret Caffrey attempts to place Benedict in the cultural matrix of her time and successfully shows the way in which Benedict was a product of and reacted to the era in which she lived.

Caffrey goes far beyond providing simple biographical material in this well-written interdisciplinary study. Based on exhaustive research, including access for the first time to the papers of Margaret Mead, Benedict's student and friend, Caffrey is able to put Benedict's life clearly in perspective. By identifying the family and educational influences that so sharply influenced Benedict's psychological makeup, the author also closely analyzes the currents of thought that were strong when Victorianism paralleled the Modernism that figured in Benedict's life work. The result is a richly detailed study of a gifted woman.

This important work will be of interest to students of Modernism, poetry, and women's studies, as well as to anthropologists.

...a model of serious, sympathetic engagement with [one's] subject.  This book is psychologically and intellectually illuminating. London Review of Books
Caffrey tells Ruth Benedict's whole interesting story in masterly fashion and with great sensitivity. I would predict that this book will be a classic work in the history of American thought, as well as in the literature of feminism and the canon of American Studies. William H. Goetzmann, Pulitzer Prize winner and Professor of History and American Studies. University of Texas at Austin
Margaret M. Caffrey is Associate Professor of History at Memphis State University.
Preface and Acknowledgments
Prologue: The “Simple Theme”
1. Inner Circle, Outer Circle
2. Vassar
3. The Limits of the Possible
4. The Search for Place
5. The Social Quest
6. Mythology, Religion, and Culture
7. The Personal Vision
8. The Personal Search
9. Patterns of Culture: Between America and Anthropology
10. The Psychology of Culture
11. Academic Politics
12. The Politics of Culture
13. The War Years
14. The Last Great Vision
A Bibliographical Note on Sources
Selected Bibliography
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