Bold Ideas, Essential Reading since 1936.

Rutgers University Press is dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge for a wide range of readers. The Press reflects and extends the University’s core mission of research, instruction, and service. They enhance the work of their authors through exceptional publications that shape critical issues, spark debate, and enrich teaching. Core subjects include: film and media studies, sociology, anthropology, education, history, health, history of medicine, human rights, urban studies, criminal justice, Jewish studies, American studies, women's, gender, and sexuality studies, LGBTQ, Latino/a, Asian and African studies, as well as books about New York, New Jersey, and the region.

Rutgers also distributes books published by Bucknell University Press, University of Delaware Press, and Templeton Press.

Showing 331-360 of 2,610 items.

Way Down in the Hole

Race, Intimacy, and the Reproduction of Racial Ideologies in Solitary Confinement

Rutgers University Press

Based on ethnographic observations and interviews with inmates, correctional officers, and civilian staff that conducted in solitary confinement units, Way Down in the Hole explores the myriad ways in which daily, intimate interactions between those locked up twenty-four hours a day and the correctional officers charged with their care, custody, and control produce and reproduce hegemonic racial ideologies.

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The Internet Is for Cats

How Animal Images Shape Our Digital Lives

Rutgers University Press

An in-depth study of online animal photos, memes, and videos, The Internet is for Cats includes textual analysis and interviews with everyone from animal-loving Redditors to TikTok influencers seeking to make their pets famous. It will leave you with a new appreciation for the human social practices behind the animal images you encounter online.  


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The American Historical Imaginary

Contested Narratives of the Past

Rutgers University Press

The American Historical Imaginary: Contested Narratives of the Past in Mass Culture analyzes the shared understanding of America’s past that is formed through entertainment, education, and politics. Caroline Guthrie examines our historical imaginary and argues it is crucial to understanding our national identity.

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Stained Glass Ceilings

How Evangelicals Do Gender and Practice Power

Rutgers University Press

This book speaks to the intersection of gender and power within American evangelicalism by examining the formation of evangelical leaders at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Asbury Theological Seminary, arguing that evangelical culture upholds male-centered structures of power even as it facilitates meaning and identity for both men and women.

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Powerful Devices

Prayer and the Political Praxis of Spiritual Warfare

Rutgers University Press

By analyzing spiritual warfare prayers, author Abimbola A. Adelakun shows how the rituals of prayer enable an apprehension of time, paradigms of self-enhancement, and the subversion of political authority. A critical intervention, Powerful Devices explores charismatic Christianity’s relationship to science and secular authority, technology and temporality, neoliberalism, and reactionary ideology.

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Port Newark and the Origins of Container Shipping

Rutgers University Press

Container shipping has changed how the whole world does business, but it was invented in New Jersey. This fascinating study reveals Port Newark’s role as the birthplace of containerization, then takes us behind the scenes to meet the pilots, crews, and Coast Guard officers who help this complex global operation run smoothly.

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On Transits and Transitions

Trans Migrants and U.S. Immigration Law

Rutgers University Press

Focusing on the intersection of immigration and trans rights, On Transits and Transitions examines the processes through which the category of transgender is incorporated into U.S. immigration law and policy. Using mobility as a critical lens, Josephson captures the insecurity and precarity created by U.S. immigration control and related processes of racialization to show how im/mobility conditions citizenship and national belonging for trans migrants in the United States.

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Making Choices, Making Do

Survival Strategies of Black and White Working-Class Women during the Great Depression

Rutgers University Press

Working-class white and black women practiced the same Depression survival strategies across race. Archived 1930s interviews with 1,340 Chicago, Cleveland, Philadelphia, and South Bend women, and letters from domestic workers articulate common resourcefulness in employment, housework, and acquisition of relief. Institutionalized racism in employment, housing, and relief, however, assured that Black women worked harder, but fared worse.

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In the Shadow of Tungurahua

Disaster Politics in Highland Ecuador

Rutgers University Press

In the Shadow of Tungurahua is about villagers learning to co-live with an active volcano while adapting to disasters largely produced by a protean state’s attempts to settle and govern its rural margins. It’s also about people responding creatively to cooperate, confront hardships, and craft new futures through locally derived disaster recovery projects and politics.

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Growing Gardens, Building Power

Food Justice and Urban Agriculture in Brooklyn

Rutgers University Press

Across the United States marginalized communities are organizing to address social, economic, and environmental inequities through building community food systems rooted in the principles of social justice.  But how exactly are communities doing this work, why are residents tackling these issues through food, what are their successes, and what barriers are they encountering?  This book dives into the heart of the food justice movement through an exploration of East New York Farms! (ENYF!), one of the oldest food justice organizations in Brooklyn.

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First-Generation Faculty of Color

Reflections on Research, Teaching, and Service

Rutgers University Press

Through a comprehensive collection of personal narratives, First-Generation Faculty of Color: Reflections on Research, Teaching, and Service is the first book to examine faculty diversity through the experiences of racially minoritized faculty who were also the first in their families to graduate college in the United States.

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First-Generation Faculty of Color

Reflections on Research, Teaching, and Service

Rutgers University Press

Through a comprehensive collection of personal narratives, First-Generation Faculty of Color: Reflections on Research, Teaching, and Service is the first book to examine faculty diversity through the experiences of racially minoritized faculty who were also the first in their families to graduate college in the United States.

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America's Pivotal Year

Rutgers University Press

Examining how 1980, the year Reagan was elected in a landslide, was a turning point in American history, cultural historian Jim Cullen looks at the year’s most notable movies, television shows, songs, and books to garner surprising insights about how Americans’ attitudes were changing at this pivotal moment.


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Every Wrong Direction

An Emigré’s Memoir

Rutgers University Press

Every Wrong Direction recreates and dissects the bitter education of Dan Burt, an American émigré who never found a home in America. Burt's memoir follows his wanderings through three countries and seven cities over 43 years, culminating in his emigration to Britain, the country where he finally found a home.

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The Politics of Genocide

From the Genocide Convention to the Responsibility to Protect

Rutgers University Press

Since the adoption of the Genocide Convention in 1948 and through the present day, the United Nations' P-5 have ensured that holding any of them accountable for genocide would be practically impossible. The Politics of Genocide is the first book to explicitly demonstrate how the permanent member nations have exploited the Genocide Convention to isolate themselves from the reach of the law, marking them as "outlaw states."

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The Perils of Populism

Rutgers University Press

Featuring interdisciplinary essays about politics in the United States, the Middle East, Europe, and India from a variety of acclaimed theorists and activists, The Perils of Populism shows how a feminist lens can help diagnose the factors behind the global rise of right-wing populism and teach us how to resist the threat it presents to democracy.

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Social Exchange

Barter as Economic and Cultural Activism in Medellín, Colombia

Rutgers University Press

Social Exchange examines alternative economies activism in Medellín, Colombia, using twenty-five years of grassroots experimentation with barter markets and community currencies to develop new insights about capitalist culture, social movement strategy, community-building, and the transformation of subjectivities. Hopeful yet critical, this book serves as a useful think-piece for activists and scholars alike.

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Preventing Child Maltreatment in the U.S.: The Latinx Community Perspective

Rutgers University Press

This book examines core concepts relevant to Latinx families as they relate to child maltreatment. Utilizing cases of three families, child maltreatment in Latinx families is contextualized within the pervasive structural racism and inequality in the United States while the resilience and strengths of Latinx families are highlighted.

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Preventing Child Maltreatment in the U.S.: The Black Community Perspective

Rutgers University Press

Child maltreatment occurs in the Black community at higher rates than any other racial group. Through a feminist and womanist lens, the authors unpack the factors impacting the Black community that lead to maltreatment of Black children. This book offers resources and guidance for preventing maltreatment, promoting health and wellness, and to empower Black children.

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Preventing Child Maltreatment in the U.S.: Multicultural Considerations

Rutgers University Press

This book examines core multicultural concepts (e.g., intersectionality, acculturation, spirituality, oppression) as they relate to child maltreatment in the United States. Specifically, this book examines child maltreatment through the interaction of feminist, multicultural and prevention/wellness promotion lenses. Five case studies, which are introduced early on are revisited to help the readers make important and meaningful connections between theory and practice.

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Preventing Child Maltreatment in the U.S.: American Indian and Alaska Native Perspectives

Rutgers University Press

This book embraces a decolonizing praxis that emphasizes a broader understanding of Native American/Alaska Native child maltreatment and utilizes an Indigenous-feminist lens to conceptualize, treat, intervene, and promote wellness. Specifically, this book examines child maltreatment through the intersection of feminist, multicultural, and prevention/wellness promotion lenses. This state of the art text interconnects Native elders/scholars' stories (brief case studies) with historical context, theory, and culturally-informed as well as trauma-informed approaches of treating Native Americans/Alaska Native populations.

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Islamic Divorce in the Twenty-First Century

A Global Perspective

Rutgers University Press

Islamic Divorce in the 21st Century takes a close look at the ways that Muslims from West Africa to Southeast Asia engage with and navigate Islamic law and other relevant norms during times of marital breakdown in light of twenty-first century challenges and development.

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Islamic Divorce in the Twenty-First Century

A Global Perspective

Rutgers University Press

Islamic Divorce in the 21st Century takes a close look at the ways that Muslims from West Africa to Southeast Asia engage with and navigate Islamic law and other relevant norms during times of marital breakdown in light of twenty-first century challenges and development.

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In the Crossfire of History

Women's War Resistance Discourse in the Global South

Rutgers University Press

This book incorporates literary works, testimonies, autobiographies, women’s resistance movements, and films that add to the conversation on the resilience of women in the global south. The essays question historical accuracy and politics of representation that usually undermine women’s role during conflict, and they reevaluate how women participated, challenged, sacrificed, and vehemently opposed war discourses that work on obliterating women’s role in shaping resistance movements.

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In the Crossfire of History

Women's War Resistance Discourse in the Global South

Rutgers University Press

This book incorporates literary works, testimonies, autobiographies, women’s resistance movements, and films that add to the conversation on the resilience of women in the global south. The essays question historical accuracy and politics of representation that usually undermine women’s role during conflict, and they reevaluate how women participated, challenged, sacrificed, and vehemently opposed war discourses that work on obliterating women’s role in shaping resistance movements.

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From Honolulu to Brooklyn

Running the American Empire’s Base Paths with Buck Lai and the Travelers from Hawai’i

Rutgers University Press

Arguably the most famous baseball team outside of the major leagues in the early twentieth century, the Travelers from Hawaiʻi barnstormed the American mainland from 1912 to 1916. During their journeys and after, team leader and star Buck Lai and his teammates encountered racism and colonialism while asserting their humanity in a variety of ways.

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Chinese Americans in the Heartland

Migration, Work, and Community

Rutgers University Press

Focused on the Heartland cities of Chicago, Illinois and St. Louis, Missouri, this book draws rich evidences from various government records, personal stories and interviews, and media reports, and sheds light on the commonalities and uniqueness of the region, as compared to the Asian American communities on the East and West Coast and Hawaii. Some of the poignant stories such as “the Three Moy Brothers,” “Alla Lee,” and “Save Sam Wah Laundry” told in the book are powerful reflections of Asian American history.

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Indigenous Motherhood in the Academy

Rutgers University Press

Indigenous Motherhood in the Academy fills a longtime gap in higher education literature that has excluded Indigenous women scholar voices. The essays cover diverse topics such as acknowledging ancestors and grandparents in one’s mothering, how historical trauma and violence plague the past, how culture and place impact mothering, how academia impacts mothering, how mothering impacts scholarship, and how to negotiate loss and other complexities between motherhood and one’s role in the academy.

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Deinstitutionalization and Partial Defenses in State Higher Education Policy

Rutgers University Press

The changing politics of the Right place it on a collision course with higher education. These political forces support a policy agenda of deinstitutionalization, in which Republican officials both slash funding for and undermine trust in public higher education. Campus leaders respond with partial defenses that provide short-term relief without addressing underlying mistrust. Wrecked traces the disastrous collision between the Right and higher education resulting from these politics, policies and practices.

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Taking Sides in Revolutionary New Jersey

Caught in the Crossfire

Rutgers University Press

The American Revolution in New Jersey lasted eight long years, during which many were caught in the middle of a vicious civil war. Taking Sides uses numerous brief biographies to illustrate the American Revolution’s complexity; it quotes from documents, pamphlets, diaries, letters, and poetry, a variety of sources to provide insight into the thoughts and reactions of those living through it all.

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