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Provincial Solidarities
260 pages, 6 1/2 x 8 1/2
Release Date:15 May 2013

Provincial Solidarities

A History of the New Brunswick Federation of Labour

Athabasca University Press

Established in 1913, the New Brunswick Federation of Labour is thesecond oldest provincial federation of labour in Canada. Its historybegan in early campaigns for workers’ compensation and unionrecognition and continues today in the latest battles to defend socialstandards, secure employment, and union rights. Active initially in theport city of Saint John and the railway centre of Moncton, thefederation soon expanded to include workers in the mines and mills ofthe north, taking up the causes of public employees and women workersand confronting the realities of life and work in a bilingualsociety.

A pioneering study, written in clear and forceful prose, this is theuntold story of provincial labour solidarities that succeeded inovercoming divisions and defeats to raise the status of working men andwomen within New Brunswick society. Drawing on archives, newspapers,and workers’ own descriptions of their experiences, Frank makesan original contribution to our understanding of the political,economic, and social development of the province. In so doing, he helpsmeet the need for an informed public awareness of the history ofworkers and unions in all parts of Canada.

David Frank teaches Canadian history at the Universityof New Brunswick in Fredericton. A former editor of the journal ofAtlantic regional history, Acadiensis, he has publishednumerous studies in Canadian history, including Labour Landmarks inNew Brunswick / Lieux historiques ouvriers au Nouveau-Brunswick(with Nicole Lang). His classic study of Cape Breton coal miners,J. B. McLachlan: A Biography, received several historical andliterary awards, including the 1999 Dartmouth Book Award (Non-Fiction)and, in 2000, the John W. Dafoe Book Prize.

List of Abbreviations


Introduction, “Makers of History”

One, “An Accomplished Fact”

Two, “What We Were Promised”

Three, “A Province Fit for Heroes”

Four, “The New Unionism”

Five, “On the Line”

Epilogue, “Honour the Past. Build the Future”



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