Scaling Up
The Convergence of the Social Economy and Sustainability
Working Mothers and the Child Care Dilemma
A History of British Columbia’s Social Policy
As a deeply researched history, Working Mothers and the Child Care Dilemma reveals how, for over 100 years, a persistent political uneasiness with the role of mothers in the workforce has contributed to the lack of affordable, quality child care services in British Columbia.
Unsettled Balance
Ethics, Security, and Canada’s International Relations
A timely exploration of the uneasy balance between ethics and security in Canada’s international decision-making processes since 9/11.
Lock, Stock, and Icebergs
A History of Canada’s Arctic Maritime Sovereignty
Lock, Stock, and Icebergs recounts the events, pressures, and behind-the-scenes negotiations that shaped Canada’s legal claim to the Northwest Passage and the waters of the Arctic Archipelago.
Leaky Governance
Alternative Service Delivery and the Myth of Water Utility Independence
Municipalities face important water supply challenges. One response has been to render utilities independent from municipal government through alternative service delivery. Both water management and municipal governance must be strengthened to meet contemporary water supply needs.
Hearts and Mines
The US Empire’s Culture Industry
A fascinating look at the symbiotic relationships between the US security state and the US culture industry, and their drive to promote the US Empire as a way of life through the production, packaging, and selling of cultural commodities in world markets.
Disability Politics and Care
The Challenge of Direct Funding
Disability Politics and Care documents what happens when people with disabilities take control of home care services and explores key debates around the notion of “care.”
Conflicting Visions
Canada and India in the Cold War World, 1946-76
Conflicting Visions recounts the Cold War history of Canada’s turbulent diplomatic relationship with India, from India’s independence through to its controversial emergence as a nuclear power, using Canadian technology to help build its first nuclear device.
Big Tent Politics
The Liberal Party’s Long Mastery of Canada’s Public Life
How did Canada’s Liberal Party become one of the most successful parties in the democratic world? Will it be able to reinvent itself for the twenty-first century?
Media and the Coverage of Race in Canadian Politics
Framed shows how racialized news coverage influences the opportunities and experiences of political candidates and incumbents in Canada and, in turn, the outcomes of elections and democracy.
Made in Nunavut
An Experiment in Decentralized Government
Made in Nunavut provides a definitive account of how an innovative government was designed and implemented in Canada’s Eastern and Central Artic.
Parties and Party Systems
Structure and Context
Bridging a gap that has been too wide for too long, leading political scientists examine parties as organizations that exist within political systems.
Maritime Command Pacific
The Royal Canadian Navy’s West Coast Fleet in the Early Cold War
One of Canada’s leading military historians recounts the story of the Canadian navy’s Pacific fleet during the tense years of the early Cold War.
Fighting for Votes
Parties, the Media, and Voters in an Ontario Election
This book shines a light on how parties, the media, and voters interacted during a recent Ontario election, providing one of the most complete accounts of a provincial election available.
Beyond Testimony and Trauma
Oral History in the Aftermath of Mass Violence
By challenging the ways that survivors of mass violence are typically understood as either eyewitnesses to history or victims of it, the contributors to this volume ask us to go “beyond testimony” to embrace sustained listening and collaborative research design.
Alberta Oil and the Decline of Democracy in Canada
This is a much needed critical assessment of the political peculiarities of Alberta and the impact the government’s relationship to the oil industry has on the lives of the province’s most vulnerable citizens.
So They Want Us to Learn French
Promoting and Opposing Bilingualism in English-Speaking Canada
So They Want Us to Learn French examines how and why Canadians both embraced and virulently opposed the ideal of personal bilingualism over the past fifty years, detailing and analyzing the strategies that social movements on both sides used to advance their goals.
Disarming Intervention
A Critical History of Non-Lethality
Disarming Intervention traces the social, historical, and legal legitimization of non-lethal weapons in the United States.
From Treaty Peoples to Treaty Nation
A Road Map for All Canadians
From Treaty Peoples to Treaty Nation is essential reading for all Canadians who want to understand how Canadian political and economic systems can accommodate Aboriginal aspirations and ensure a better future for all Canadians.
Protest and Politics
The Promise of Social Movement Societies
Protest and Politics examines the blurring of contentious politics and mainstream politics to argue that, in an era of social movement societies, our understanding of the boundaries between politics and protest needs to be reconfigured.
The Life and Politics of Paul Martin Sr.
Grit examines the remarkable life and political career of Paul Martin Sr., a liberal reformer and cabinet minister from 1945 to 1968, who championed health care and pension rights, new meanings for Canadian citizenship, and internationalism in world affairs.
The Honour and Dishonour of the Crown
Making Sense of Aboriginal Law in Canada
Unique within Canadian legal writing, this book unpacks the complex conceptual differences between the fiduciary duty of the Crown and the honour of the Crown.
Putting the State on Trial
The Policing of Protest during the G20 Summit
Not only were peaceful protestors and innocent bystanders assaulted by police during the G20 Summit in Toronto in June 2010, but the constitutional rights of Canadians were as well. This book contextualizes the events and examines what should be done to safeguard the rights of Canadians to freedom of speech, peaceful assembly, and freedom from arbitrary arrest and detention in the future.
Nationhood Interrupted
Revitalizing nêhiyaw Legal Systems
Co-founder of the international movement Idle No More, Sylvia McAdam shares nêhiyaw (Cree) laws so that future generations may understand and live by them, revitalizing Indigenous nationhood.
The Proposal Economy
Neoliberal Citizenship in “Ontario’s Most Historic Town”
This book, based on extended ethnographic and multi-method research in a small town in Canada, adds new perspectives on the ways that citizenship is produced and reproduced under conditions of neoliberalism.
The Pragmatic Dragon
China’s Grand Strategy and Boundary Settlements
Presenting a historical survey of China’s boundary disputes and settlements, Hyer demonstrates that its approach to territorial disputes has been pragmatic and strategic.
Territorial Pluralism
Managing Difference in Multinational States
This volume examines the implications of territorial pluralism for the peaceful and democratic management of difference in states characterized by ethnic, national, linguistic, or cultural divisions.
Islands' Spirit Rising
Reclaiming the Forests of Haida Gwaii
Set within the context of resource conflict and collaborative land-use planning on Haida Gwaii, this book examines how historic relations of domination and oppression can be transformed and more sustainable forms of land governance created.