Communication Technology
Darin Barney takes a piercing, nuanced look at how communication technologies are changing democratic life in Canada, and whether technological mediation of political communication has an effect on political practice.
Racing to the Bottom?
Provincial Interdependence in the Canadian Federation
The spectre of a “race to the bottom” is increasingly prominent in debates about globalization.
The Big Red Machine
How the Liberal Party Dominates Canadian Politics
Stephen Clarkson, one of Canada’s most respected political analysts, tells the engaging history of Canada’s leading political party, an insightful case study in Canadian political campaigning, and an ideal primer for the next federal election.
Multicultural Nationalism
Civilizing Difference, Constituting Community
Canada's national question is self-defeating: attempts to constitute a Canadian political community generate polarizing and depoliticizing deliberations.
Governing with the Charter
Legislative and Judicial Activism and Framers' Intent
Has parliamentary democracy been weakened by judicial responses to the Charter?
Securing Borders
Detention and Deportation in Canada
A close look at the laws, policies, and practices of detention and deportation in Canada since the Second World War.
Canadian Natural Resource and Environmental Policy, 2nd ed.
Political Economy and Public Policy
This innovative book offers an interdisciplinary framework with which to think through ecological, political, economic, and social issues, provding one of the most comprehensive analyses of Canadian natural resource and environmental policy to date.
Cabinets and First Ministers
A clear account of the development, structure, and operation of cabinet and the role of first ministers at the federal, provincial, and territorial levels.