The Cost of Climate Policy
We all want to reduce the risks of global warming, but how much will this cost? What will it mean on a personal, business, or community level? What policy responses should we expect from our governments?
A Trading Nation
Canadian Trade Policy from Colonialism to Globalization
This brilliantly crafted overview and analysis of the historical foundations of modern Canadian trade policy is the first survey to address the history of Canadian commercial policy in over fifty years.
Street Protests and Fantasy Parks
Globalization, Culture, and the State
The Indian Association of Alberta
A History of Political Action
Best known for its role in spearheading the protest against the infamous 1969 White Paper produced by the Department of Indian Affairs, the Indian Association of Alberta played a critical role in mobilizing First Nations peoples to political action.
Planning Canadian Regions
The first book to consolidate the history, evolution, current practice, and future prospects for regional planning in Canada.
Canada and the Beijing Conference on Women
Governmental Politics and NGO Participation
An examination of how Canada’s policies for the Fourth World Conference on Women were formulated.
At the Edge
Sustainable Development in the 21st Century
This timely book argues for governance based on human responsibility and recognition of the interconnectedness of human and natural systems.
Diplomatic Departures
The Conservative Era in Canadian Foreign Policy, 1984 - 93
The first major scholarly examination of the foreign policy of the Mulroney Conservative era, this collection analyzes free trade with the U.S., a continentalized energy policy, the transformation of peacekeeping into peacemaking, and other departures from traditional Canadian statecraft.
Ethics and Security in Canadian Foreign Policy
This collection brings together a wide range of authoritative, informed perspectives on issues of ethics and security facing Canadians, linking abstract analytical and philosophical questions to the critical and challenging questions of decision-making practice in Canadian foreign policy.
The Politics of Resentment
British Columbia Regionalism and Canadian Unity
The first book to examine the role that British Columbia has played in the evolving Canadian unity debate.
Sustaining the Forests of the Pacific Coast
Forging Truces in the War in the Woods
This thoughtful collection of essays examines forest policy in the U.S. Pacific Northwest and British Columbia.
Citizens Plus
Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian State
Alan Cairns unravels the historical record to clarify the current impasse in negotiations between Aboriginal peoples and the state.
Aboriginal Autonomy and Development in Northern Quebec and Labrador
The essays in this volume illuminate key conditions for autonomy and development: the definition and redefinition of national territories as cultural orders clash and mix; control of resource bases upon which northern economies depend; and renewal and reworking of cultural identity.
An Overview of Aboriginal and Treaty Rights and Compensation for Their Breach
Mainville provides clear and practical principles for addressing the breach of Aboriginal and treaty rights and determining appropriate compensation.
Driven Apart
Women's Employment Equality and Child Care in Canadian Public Policy
Heavy Traffic
Deregulation, Trade, and Transformation in North American Trucking
Examines the way in which the regulatory reform of American and Canadian trucking, coupled with free trade, has internationalized this $1.4-billion-a-day industry.
In Search of Sustainability
British Columbia Forest Policy in the 1990s
A provocative, sobering examination of British Columbia's forest industry in the 1990s.
A People's Dream
Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada
In this provocative and passionate book, Dan Russell argues that Aboriginal self-government is an attainable objective best achieved through a constitutional amendment, not through treaties, as has been the preoccupation of provincial and federal governments since 1982. He claims that reliance on treaties as an instrument of self-government is misguided and doomed to failure.
Feminists and Party Politics
In Feminists and Party Politics, the author examines the effort to bring feminism into the formal political arena through established political parties in Canada and the United States.
Cycling into Saigon
The Conservative Transition in Ontario
The essence of democracy is the peaceful and legitimate transfer of government. In 1995 in Ontario, the omens for a successful transition weren’t promising …
Cis dideen kat – When the Plumes Rise
The Way of the Lake Babine Nation
This book, the first to be written about the Lake Babine Nation in north-central British Columbia, examines its traditional legal order, self-identity, and their involvement in current treaty negotiations.
Independence and Economic Security in Old Age
The product of a three-year research program, this work focuses on the economic and social implications of aging at the level of the individual and of society as a whole.
A History of Ideas
This book describes democracy as a contest of values. Equality and liberty, like justice and fairness, are among our ultimate ideals, but no single value is supreme.
Indigenous Cultures in an Interconnected World
Increasingly, Indigenous people are being drawn into global networks. In the long term, cultural isolation is unlikely to be a viable – even if sometimes desired – option, so how can Indigenous people protect and advance their cultural values in the face of pressure from an interconnected world?
Parties and Leadership Selection in Alberta
In Quasi-Democracy? David Stewart and Keith Archer examine political parties and leadership selection in Alberta using mail-back surveys administered to voters who participated in the Conservative, Liberal, and NDP leadership conventions elections of the 1990s.
The Canadian Department of Justice and the Completion of Confederation 1867-78
Drawing on legal records and other archival documents, Jonathan Swainger considers the growth and development of the ostensibly apolitical Department of Justice in the eleven years after the union of 1867.
Regionalism, Multilateralism, and the Politics of Global Trade
This volume explores the changing relationship between regionalism and multilateralism and examine the implications for national policy in a global trading system.
Prometheus Wired
The Hope for Democracy in the Age of Network Technology
Describing and documenting the actual effects of computer networks on people's experience in the workplace, marketplace, and community, the book argues that the conditions of surveillance and corporate control far outweigh those of information access as key elements in the social and political presence of network computing.