Dimensions of Inequality in Canada
Is Canada becoming a more polarized society? Or is it a kind-hearted nation that takes care of its disadvantaged?
The Other Quiet Revolution
National Identities in English Canada, 1945-71
José Igartua traces the under-examined cultural transformation of English-speaking Canada woven through key developments in the formation of Canadian nationhood, from the 1946 Citizenship Act to the federal multiculturalism policy in 1971.
Protecting Aboriginal Children
This is the first book to document emerging practice in Aboriginal communities and describe child protection practice simultaneously from the point of view of the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal social worker.
Critical Disability Theory
Essays in Philosophy, Politics, Policy, and Law
This book argues that we need a new understanding of participatory citizenship that encompasses the disabled, new policies to respond to their needs, and a new vision of their entitlements.
Rethinking the Responsibilities and Rights of Citizenship
In Carefair, Paul Kershaw urges us to resist this private/public distinction, and makes a convincing case for treating caregiving as a matter of citizenship that obliges and empowers everyone in society.
Queer Youth in the Province of the "Severely Normal"
Explores how youth identities have been constructed through dominant and often competing discourses about youth, sexuality, and gender, and how queer youth in Alberta negotiated the contradictions of these discourses.
Courts and Federalism
Judicial Doctrine in the United States, Australia, and Canada
Examining recent developments in the judicial review of federalism through detailed surveys of the United States, Australia, and Canada, this book urges political scientists to take courts and judicial reasoning more seriously in their accounts of federal government.
Tales of Two Cities
Women and Municipal Restructuring in London and Toronto
In this thought-provoking book, Sylvia Bashevkin examines the consequences of divergent restructuring experiences in London and Toronto.
With Good Intentions
Euro-Canadian and Aboriginal Relations in Colonial Canada
Examines the joint efforts of Aboriginal people and individuals of European ancestry to counter injustice in Canada when colonization was at its height, from the mid-nineteenth to the early twentieth century.
Good Government? Good Citizens?
Courts, Politics, and Markets in a Changing Canada
Examining the altered roles of courts, politics, and markets over the last two decades, this book explores the evolving concept of the citizen in Canada at the beginning of this century.
Communication Technology
Darin Barney takes a piercing, nuanced look at how communication technologies are changing democratic life in Canada, and whether technological mediation of political communication has an effect on political practice.
Racing to the Bottom?
Provincial Interdependence in the Canadian Federation
The spectre of a “race to the bottom” is increasingly prominent in debates about globalization.
The Big Red Machine
How the Liberal Party Dominates Canadian Politics
Stephen Clarkson, one of Canada’s most respected political analysts, tells the engaging history of Canada’s leading political party, an insightful case study in Canadian political campaigning, and an ideal primer for the next federal election.
Multicultural Nationalism
Civilizing Difference, Constituting Community
Canada's national question is self-defeating: attempts to constitute a Canadian political community generate polarizing and depoliticizing deliberations.
Governing with the Charter
Legislative and Judicial Activism and Framers' Intent
Has parliamentary democracy been weakened by judicial responses to the Charter?
Securing Borders
Detention and Deportation in Canada
A close look at the laws, policies, and practices of detention and deportation in Canada since the Second World War.
Canadian Natural Resource and Environmental Policy, 2nd ed.
Political Economy and Public Policy
This innovative book offers an interdisciplinary framework with which to think through ecological, political, economic, and social issues, provding one of the most comprehensive analyses of Canadian natural resource and environmental policy to date.
Cabinets and First Ministers
A clear account of the development, structure, and operation of cabinet and the role of first ministers at the federal, provincial, and territorial levels.
Pro-Family Politics and Fringe Parties in Canada
Pro-Family Politics and Fringe Parties in Canada explores the organizational and ideological nature of political parties that are initially formed to do the work of social movements.
China in World Politics, 2nd ed.
Policies, Processes, Prospects
Exploring the new dynamics of China’s regional and international roles, this thoughtfully crafted textbook familiarizes students with the Chinese framework for analyzing the the political, security, economic, and social issues the country faces in the emerging twenty-first century.
Between Justice and Certainty
Treaty Making in British Columbia
Examines the interplay between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal visions of justice and certainty to determine whether there is a space between the two concepts in which modern treaties can be made.
Advancing Aboriginal Claims
Policy, philosophy, strategy, and legal arguments are combined to build innovative strategies to advance Aboriginal claims.
Second Growth
Community Economic Development in Rural British Columbia
A look at historical and contemporary restructuring, linking development of rural communities with resource development and Aboriginal marginalization.
Humanitarianism, Identity, and Nation
Migration Laws in Canada and Australia
Catherine Dauvergne examines the relationship between migration laws and national identities and highlights the role of humanitarianism in this linkage.
In a world where federal states seem to exist precariously, politicians and academics from around the globe continue to look to Canada as a model of federalism. And yet, our own system of organization and governance also appears strained ...
Provides a democratic audit of Canada’s provincial and national representative assemblies, arguing that the problem existing in these bodies is not a lack of talent so much as a lack of institutional freedom.
Insiders and Outsiders
Alan Cairns and the Reshaping of Canadian Citizenship
Insiders and Outsiders celebrates the work of Alan Cairns, one of the most influential Canadian social scientists of the contemporary period.
From UI to EI
Waging War on the Welfare State
From UI to EI examines the history of Canada’s unemployment insurance system and the rights it grants to the unemployed.