Retail Nation
Department Stores and the Making of Modern Canada
Retail Nation traces Canada’s modern consumer culture back to an era when department stores not only ruled, but defined, the nation’s shopping scene.
Money, Politics, and Democracy
Canada’s Party Finance Reforms
This revealing volume examines the role of party finance reforms in shaping a period, since 2004, of political instability and successive minority governments in Canada.
Indigenous Women and Feminism
Politics, Activism, Culture
This wide-ranging collection examines the historical roles of Indigenous women, their intellectual and activist work, and the relevance of contemporary literature, art, and performance for an emerging Indigenous feminist project.
Critical Criminology in Canada
New Voices, New Directions
A new generation of critical criminologists examines the future of criminology and criminal justice in Canada.
Storied Communities
Narratives of Contact and Arrival in Constituting Political Community
An exploration of the role of storytelling in community and nation building that disrupts the assumption in many works that indigenous and immigrant identities fall into two separate streams of analysis.
Citizens Adrift
The Democratic Disengagement of Young Canadians
Citizens Adrift is a rich study of the generational decline in political involvement that offers recommendations as to how to stem the erosion of democratic life.
Parity Democracy
Women's Political Representation in Fifth Republic France
Combining interviews and translations of key European and French documents with in-depth analysis, this book illuminates the pros and cons of the gender parity reforms and their effect on women’s political representation in France.
Perverse Cities
Hidden Subsidies, Wonky Policy, and Urban Sprawl
Distorted price signals and flawed public policy create powerful and largely hidden perverse subsidies and incentives that promote urban sprawl.
Women and Property in Urban India
An intimate exploration of the opportunities and constraints faced by low-income women in Ahmedabad, as throughout the Global South, in securing access to landed property.
Between Consenting Peoples
Political Community and the Meaning of Consent
This book examines how consent might be understood as the foundation of legal and political community, especially in relations between indigenous and nonindigenous peoples.