Showing 361-375 of 539 items.

Multiculturalism and the Canadian Constitution

UBC Press

The essays illustrate how deeply multiculturalism is woven into the fabric of the Canadian constitution and the everyday lives of Canadians.

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Criminal Artefacts

Governing Drugs and Users

UBC Press

By looking curiously on the criminal addict as an artefact of criminal justice, this book asks us to question why the criminalized drug user has become such a focus of contemporary criminal justice practices.

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Bringing the Passions Back In

The Emotions in Political Philosophy

UBC Press

Combining intellectual history and political theory, the contributors to Bringing the Passions Back In illuminate the place of emotions in modern liberal and democratic politics.

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Gendering the Nation-State

Canadian and Comparative Perspectives

UBC Press

Gendering the Nation-State explores the gendered dimensions of a fundamental organizational unit in social and political science – the nation-state.

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Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada, Third Edition

Current Trends and Issues

Foreword by John Hylton; Edited by Yale Belanger
UBC Press, Purich Publishing

An interdisciplinary guide for learning about government policy and the aspirations of Canada’s Aboriginal peoples.

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The Comparative Turn in Canadian Political Science

UBC Press

This volume is the first sustained attempt to describe, analyze, and assess the “comparative turn” in Canadian political science.

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Navigating Neoliberalism

Self-Determination and the Mikisew Cree First Nation

UBC Press

This remarkable book argues that neoliberalism, which drives government policy concerning First Nations in Canada, can also drive self-determination -- including the Mikisew First Nation, which successfully exploited opportunities for greater autonomy and well-being that the current political and economic climate has presented.

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Conventional Choices?

Maritime Leadership Politics, 1971–2003

UBC Press

Conventional Choices examines twenty-five different leadership elections over thirty-two years in three of Canada's maritime provinces to explore the backgrounds, attitudes, and motivations of those who select party leaders.

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Let Right Be Done

Aboriginal Title, the Calder Case, and the Future of Indigenous Rights

UBC Press
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Rethinking Political Culture

UBC Press

Original and provocative, Nunavut explores political attitudes, behaviour, and institutions in Nunavut before, during, and after the creation of the new territory, challenging our understandings of how political cultures are generated and sustained.

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First Nations of British Columbia, Second Edition, The

An Anthropological Survey

UBC Press

A concise and accessible overview of First Nations cultures and issues in the province, this book familiarizes readers with the history, diversity, and complexity of First Nations to provide a context for contemporary concerns and initiatives.

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Organizing the Transnational

Labour, Politics, and Social Change

UBC Press

This collection articulates a multi-level cultural politics of transnationalism to frame contemporary analyses of immigration and diasporas.

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No Place to Go

Local Histories of the Battered Women’s Shelter Movement

UBC Press

The first history of the battered women’s shelter movement in Canada, this book traces the development of transition houses and services for abused women and the campaign that made wife battering a political issue.

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The First Nations of British Columbia

An Anthropological Survey

UBC Press

A concise and accessible overview of First Nations’ peoples, cultures, and issues in the province.

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The Central Human Settlement Issue

UBC Press

Peter Oberlander proposes a number of specific policy shifts to accommodate the poor effectively within the settlement system and to use land strategically as a scarce resource in the development process.

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