Nationhood Interrupted
Revitalizing nêhiyaw Legal Systems
Co-founder of the international movement Idle No More, Sylvia McAdam shares nêhiyaw (Cree) laws so that future generations may understand and live by them, revitalizing Indigenous nationhood.
The Proposal Economy
Neoliberal Citizenship in “Ontario’s Most Historic Town”
This book, based on extended ethnographic and multi-method research in a small town in Canada, adds new perspectives on the ways that citizenship is produced and reproduced under conditions of neoliberalism.
The Pragmatic Dragon
China’s Grand Strategy and Boundary Settlements
Presenting a historical survey of China’s boundary disputes and settlements, Hyer demonstrates that its approach to territorial disputes has been pragmatic and strategic.
Territorial Pluralism
Managing Difference in Multinational States
This volume examines the implications of territorial pluralism for the peaceful and democratic management of difference in states characterized by ethnic, national, linguistic, or cultural divisions.
Islands' Spirit Rising
Reclaiming the Forests of Haida Gwaii
Set within the context of resource conflict and collaborative land-use planning on Haida Gwaii, this book examines how historic relations of domination and oppression can be transformed and more sustainable forms of land governance created.
Immigration Canada
Evolving Realities and Emerging Challenges in a Postnational World
An essential primer for readers interested in tracing the development and dynamics of Canada’s immigration program and understanding the impact of recent federal reforms on Canadian society.
Reviving Social Democracy
The Near Death and Surprising Rise of the Federal NDP
Focused on the NDP’s stunning 2011 breakthrough as Canada’s Official Opposition, this volume traces the party’s history from its emergence in the 1960s through moments of modernization and ideological refinement to its current presence in Canada.
In Peace Prepared
Innovation and Adaptation in Canada’s Cold War Army
This book explores how the Canadian Army prepared for the possibility of a Third World War and how its innovations and adaptations laid the groundwork for the evolution of our national army.
Co-operative Canada
Empowering Communities and Sustainable Businesses
A comprehensive look at how Canadians are responding to the forces of globalization through collectively owned enterprises.