Paul Spickard
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.
Japanese Americans
The Formation and Transformations of an Ethnic Group
Rutgers University Press
In this concise history, Paul R. Spickard traces the struggles and achievements of Japanese Americans in claiming their place in American society. He outlines three forces shaping ethnic groups in general: shared interests, shared institutions, and shared culture, and chronicles the Japanese American experience within this framework, showing how these factors created and nurtured solidarity.
Red and Yellow, Black and Brown
Decentering Whiteness in Mixed Race Studies
Rutgers University Press
This book gathers together life stories and analysis by twelve contributors who express and seek to understand the often very different dynamics that exist for mixed race people who are not part white. Chapters focus on the social, psychological, and political issues and identities for people who are in dual or multiple minority situations.
- Copyright year: 2017
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