Patrick Keating
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.
Edited by Patrick Keating
Rutgers University Press
The first book to provide a comprehensive chronicle of the art of cinematography, from the 1890s to the present day, this collection introduces readers to the people behind the camera, the roles they play, the equipment they use, and the indelible images they have created. Including over 50 film stills, Cinematography vividly illustrates how the cinematographer’s art has evolved in tandem with major technological and economic shifts in the film industry.
Film Noir and the Arts of Lighting
Rutgers University Press
More than any other films from the classical era, the Hollywood film noir is known for its lighting. Film Noir and the Arts of Lighting offers a new account of this craft, grounded in a larger theory of cinematography as emotionally engaging storytelling. Featuring analyses of The Asphalt Jungle, Touch of Evil, and more.
- Copyright year: 2024
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