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No Deal!
282 pages, 6 x 9
17 color plates, 15 figs., 1 table
Release Date:19 Dec 2012
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No Deal!

Indigenous Arts and the Politics of Possession

Edited by Tressa Berman
School for Advanced Research Press

No Deal! encompasses a diverse group of artists, curators, art historians, and anthropologists from Australia and North America in order to investigate social relations of possession through the artifacts and motifs of Indigenous expressive culture. The contributors speak from the standpoints of Indigenous systems of knowledge as well as from western epistemologies and their institutions, interrogating what it means to "own culture." The case studies in this volume contribute to notions of "ownership" and "possession" through the lens of art and its associated rights to production, circulation, performance, and representation.

Cover image: Jennifer Herd, No Deal!, 2004. Courtesy of the artist.

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