Mysterious New Mexico
Miracles, Magic, and Monsters in the Land of Enchantment
New Mexico's twin traditions of the scientific and the supernatural meet for the first time in this long-overdue book by a journalist known for investigating the unexplained. Strange tales of ghosts, monsters, miracles, lost treasure, UFOs, and much more can be found not far from the birthplace of the atomic bomb. Huge radio astronomy dishes search desert skies for alien life, and the world's first spaceport can be found in this enchanted land; in many ways New Mexico truly is a portal to other worlds.
Mysterious New Mexico is the first book to apply scientific investigation methods to explain some of New Mexico's most bizarre lore and legends. Using folklore, sociology, history, psychology, and forensic science--as well as good old-fashioned detective work--Radford reveals the truths and myths behind New Mexico's greatest mysteries.
It's a treat to have a guided tour of New Mexico mysteries by an actual scientific paranormal investigator instead of hearing a rehash of the same stories. This is in-depth information that honors the folklore but gets to the core of the mysteries; you won't get anything close from other authors of 'mystery mongering' books. The truth is much more satisfying.'--Sharon Hill, editor, Doubtful News
Radford does an admirable job. Not just telling us what the 'mysteries' are, he digs for the hard facts, and follows through to reasonable conclusions.'--Robert Sheaffer, author of UFO Sightings: The Evidence
Radford's research into the unexplained is always informative, lively, and entertaining, and Mysterious New Mexico is no exception. . . . Both skeptics and believers will find it invaluable, and I highly recommend it.'--Patrick Burns, TruTV's Haunting Evidence
Benjamin Radford, the deputy editor of the Skeptical Inquirer science magazine, is the author of Tracking the Chupacabra: The Vampire Beast in Fact, Fiction, and Folklore (UNM Press) and other books. He lives in Corrales, New Mexico.