240 pages, 6 x 9
14 black and white illus.
Release Date:21 Jan 2021

My Intense Emotions Handbook

Manage Your Emotions and Connect Better with Others

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This is a guide to the emotional and interpersonal issues you may encounter as a young adult, packed with advice and real-life stories of hope and resilience from people in similar situations. This book will help you to gain an understanding of the influence of your early emotional experiences, and share tried-and-tested strategies, drawing on a range of psychological approaches and evidence-based strategies.

This book also looks at how emotions can affect our relationships, with a focus on building empathy for others, getting what you want out of friendships and relationships and dealing with the hard parts like boundaries and saying no, making amends when needed, and recognising and breaking problematic relationship patterns.

With personal stories and resources throughout, this is a guide to refer to as little or often as you like, helping you to understand your emotions and find the strategies that work best for you.

Dr. Sue Knowles is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist who is Lead for Child and Family Services at Changing Minds UK. Dr. Bridie Gallagher is a Lead Clinical Psychologist working with Looked After Children, who has worked with inpatient, secure and international settings. Hannah Bromley is an expert by experience, who has a history of significant mental health difficulties and has 'come out the other side'. She has worked within CAMHS alongside Clinical Psychologists to co-facilitate a Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) group for other young people. Hannah has additionally co-facilitated training days for teachers and school nurses.

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