Showing 1-15 of 58 items.
Kinship, Business, and Politics
The Martinez Del Rio Family in Mexico, 1823-1867
University of Texas Press
Using previously undiscovered primary source materials, Walker employs family history to analyze problems relating more generally to the development of state and society in newly independent Mexico.
Folk Practices in North Mexico
Birth Customs, Folk Medicine, and Spiritualism in the Laguna Zone
By Isabel Kelly
University of Texas Press
Folk customs of the mid-twentieth century in a village in Coahuila.
Mexico and the Spanish Cortes, 1810–1822
Eight Essays
Edited by Nettie Lee Benson
University of Texas Press
These eight essays trace the establishment and implementation of the Mexican electoral system, both national and municipal, and of reforms in the economic, journalistic, religious, and military systems.
The Ideal of the Practical
Colombia’s Struggle to Form a Technical Elite
University of Texas Press
A study of efforts by a segment of the upper class in an aristocratic Latin American society to alter cultural values in the society, creating stronger orientations toward the technical and the practical.
The Political Economy of the Brazilian State, 1889–1930
By Steven Topik
University of Texas Press
Based on extensive primary source material, this overview of the Brazilian republican state demonstrates that it was one of the most interventionist in Latin America well before the disruption of the export economy in 1929.
Mary, Michael, and Lucifer
Folk Catholicism in Central Mexico
University of Texas Press
A modern semiotic and structuralist interpretation of traditional Mexican culture that accounts for the culture's apparent heterodoxy.
Industry, the State, and Public Policy in Mexico
By Dale Story
University of Texas Press
An analysis of the political and economic role of industrial entrepreneurs in postwar Mexico.
Intellectuals and the State in Twentieth-Century Mexico
University of Texas Press
Roderic Camp’s examination of intellectuals in Mexico is the first study of a Latin American country to detail the structure of intellectual life, rather than merely considering intellectual ideas.
State and Opposition in Military Brazil
University of Texas Press
A rich description of the long and tortuous attempt by the Brazilian military government to create a workable “national security state” in the face of determined and resilient opposition.
The Voice of the Masters
Writing and Authority in Modern Latin American Literature
University of Texas Press
A timely and ambitious study of authority as theme and authority as authorial strategy in modern Latin American literature.
Plantation Agriculture and Social Control in Northern Peru, 1875–1933
University of Texas Press
This study, based primarily on previously unavailable private records of sugarcane plantations, examines the external and internal dynamics of the sugar industry.
Landowners in Colonial Peru
University of Texas Press
The first study to examine the agrarian history of a region in South America from the mid-sixteenth through late-seventeenth century.
Cinema Novo x 5
Masters of Contemporary Brazilian Film
University of Texas Press
Cinema Novo x 5 places the success of Brazilian cinema in perspective by examining the films of the five leaders of this groundbreaking movement—Andrade, Diegues, Guerra, Rocha, and dos Santos.
Haciendas and Economic Development
Guadalajara, Mexico, at Independence
University of Texas Press
Richard B. Lindley’s study of Guadalajara’s wealthy citizens on the eve of independence contradicts the view that the wars for independence arose from creole-peninsular resentment.
Miners, Merchants, and Farmers in Colonial Colombia
By Ann Twinam
University of Texas Press
Why a particular region in Colombia played such a strong role in the country's economic history.
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