Kirt Kempter
Kirt Kempter leads geologic tours around the world for National Geographic and the Smithsonian Institute. He is the author of Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument and Valles Caldera National Preserve: Geologic History of the Southwest’s Youngest Caldera, both published in the High Desert Field Guides Series (UNM Press). He lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Valles Caldera National Preserve
Geologic History of the Southwest's Youngest Caldera
In this roadside guide, popular lecturer, tour leader, and author Kirt Kempter makes geology interesting through his riveting explanations and engaging diagrams.
- Copyright year: 2016
Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument
Color diagrams and graphics of the history of geologic formations, including the Rio Grande rift, provide background for understanding the area, and a detailed, durable topographic map provides information about trails and features for the day hiker.
- Copyright year: 2009
The Geologic History of O'Keeffe Country
With stunning photographs, timelines, and a regional geologic map, noted geologist Kirt Kempter explains the geologic story and landscape evolution of the region for travelers, hikers, and armchair geologists.
- Copyright year: 2020