Island Press began with a simple idea: knowledge is power—the power to imagine a better future and find ways for getting us there. Founded in 1984, Island Press’ mission is to provide the best ideas and information to those seeking to understand and protect the environment and create solutions to its complex problems.
Showing 241-260 of 329 items.
An Indomitable Beast
The Remarkable Journey of the Jaguar
Island Press
The jaguar is one of the most mysterious and least-known big cats of the world. The largest cat in the Americas, it has survived an onslaught of environmental and human threats partly because of an evolutionary history unique among wild felines, but also because of a power and indomitable spirit so strong, the jaguar has shaped indigenous cultures and the beliefs of early civilizations on two continents.
In An Indomitable Beast: The Remarkable Journey of the Jaguar, big-cat expert Alan Rabinowitz shares his own personal journey to conserve a species that, despite its past resilience, is now on a slide toward extinction if something is not done to preserve the pathways it prowls through an ever-changing, ever-shifting landscape dominated by humans. Rabinowitz reveals how he learned from newly available genetic data that the jaguar was a single species connected genetically throughout its entire range from Mexico to Argentina, making it unique among all other large carnivores in the world. In a mix of personal discovery and scientific inquiry, he sweeps his readers deep into the realm of the jaguar, offering fascinating accounts from the field. Enhanced with maps, tables, and color plates, An Indomitable Beast brings important new research to life for scientists, anthropologists, and animal lovers alike.
This book is not only about jaguars, but also about tenacity and survival. From the jaguar we can learn better strategies for saving other species and also how to save ourselves when faced with immediate and long-term catastrophic changes to our environment.
Forests in Our Changing World
New Principles for Conservation and Management
By Joe Landsberg and Richard Waring
Island Press
Land Use and Society, Third Edition
Geography, Law, and Public Policy
Island Press
This third edition has been updated with data from the 2010 U.S. Census and revised with the input of academics and professors to address the changing issues in land use, policy, and law today.
State of the World 2014
Governing for Sustainability
By The Worldwatch Institute
Island Press
How to Study Public Life
Methods in Urban Design
By Jan Gehl and Birgitte Svarre
Island Press
Urban Street Design Guide
By National Association of City Transportation Officials
Island Press
The Hidden Potential of Sustainable Neighborhoods
Lessons from Low-Carbon Communities
Island Press
Common Ground on Hostile Turf
Stories from an Environmental Mediator
By Lucy Moore
Island Press
Measuring Urban Design
Metrics for Livable Places
By Reid Ewing and Otto Clemente
Island Press
Designing Suburban Futures
New Models from Build a Better Burb
By June Williamson; Foreword by Ellen Dunham-Jones
Island Press
State of the World 2013
Is Sustainability Still Possible?
By The Worldwatch Institute
Island Press
The Kingdom of Rarities
Island Press
An original and important investigation of rarity and its relationship to conservation.
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