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Island Press began with a simple idea: knowledge is power—the power to imagine a better future and find ways for getting us there. Founded in 1984, Island Press’ mission is to provide the best ideas and information to those seeking to understand and protect the environment and create solutions to its complex problems.

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The High Costs and Low Rewards of US Highway Construction

Island Press

In Overbuilt: The High Costs and Low Rewards of US Highway Construction, transportation planning expert Erick Guerra describes how the US roadway system became overbuilt, how public policy continues to encourage overbuilding, the scale and consequences of overbuilding, and how we can rethink our approach to highway building in the US.
Guerra explains that highway overbuilding stems from the institutions, finance mechanisms, and evaluation metrics developed in the first half of the twentieth century. While more funds are set aside for transit, walking, biking, and beautification, the investment paradigm has not changed. Planners and engineers have not adjusted the tools they use to determine which roads should be built, rebuilt, or widened and why.
Despite having too much roadway, the country is still operating in construction mode, using the same basic approach used to finance and build the interstate system quickly, Guerra states. The interstate was completed more than three decades ago. Overbuilt argues convincingly that it is time to move on.

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Hot Takes

Every Journalist's Guide to Covering Climate Change

Island Press

Climate change affects every aspect of our lives—which means it plays a role in every news story. As a journalist, helping your audience understand these climate connections is part of the job, whether you cover healthcare, economics, politics, sports, or any other beat. We are all climate journalists now.

Yet most of us weren’t taught about human-driven climate change in journalism school or while reporting stories in our newsrooms. You may know the basic science. But how about the major policies that determine global climate action or the growing number of legal climate-related cases? Have you considered what it means to practice journalism that focuses on solutions or how race and climate intersect?  

Chances are, you could use some guidance on how to report on this endlessly complex issue. Hot Takes engages the big questions that will determine how climate change is covered, and the stories we tell our audiences and ourselves.

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Arrested Mobility

Overcoming the Threat to Black Movement

Island Press

In Arrested Mobility: Overcoming the Threat to Black Movement, Charles T. Brown, founder and CEO of Equitable Cities, examines why mobility is not afforded in the same way to everyone. He argues that the legacy of structural racism and White supremacy has led to disinvestment and over-policing in Black communities and communities of color, thwarting opportunity, as physical mobility and social mobility are intrinsically linked. This experience for Black people around the world is what Brown refers to as arrested mobility.  

Brown examines this condition that society has created through what he calls “The Four Ps”: Polity, Policy, Planning, and Policing and suggests solutions, some of which are already being implemented in the US. Drawing from research, his own experience, and the experience of other Black Americans, Brown shows that  change is possible and inspires and guides readers to un-arrest mobility together.  

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Arctic Passages

Ice, Exploration, and the Battle for Power at the Top of the World

Island Press

Almost two centuries after British explorer Sir John Franklin and his men died amid paralyzing cold and ice in pursuit of the mythical Northwest Passage, the Arctic is melting at an alarming pace. Instead of working together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, countries are racing to control newly ice-free waters and the riches in the seabed below. But by choosing self-interest over cooperative action, they may be condemning the world to an uninhabitable future.

Arctic Passages reminds us that while we go about our lives, climate change is unspooling slowly but insidiously, spawning extreme weather events that will be increasingly difficult to ignore. Ultimately, the fate of the Arctic will be decided by the developed world and how it decides to take action—if it’s not too late.

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Going for Zero

Decarbonizing the Built Environment on the Path to Our Urban Future

Island Press

In Going for Zero: Decarbonizing the Built Environment on the Path to Our Urban Future, seasoned architect and former AIA president Carl Elefante addresses how buildings and cities can and must help resolve the looming climate emergency.  

For architects and the countless others who work together creating human habitation, the twenty-first century imperatives demand a profound mode shift, from an expansion mindset to one of reintegration and healing.  

Elefante explains that revitalizing communities by optimizing existing resources makes social, economic, and environmental sense and directs resources where they are most needed. He offers a decidedly alternative viewpoint, one informed by his career rescuing buildings from demolition and learning from the practices and wisdom embedded in built heritage.  

In Going for Zero Elefante offers a message of hope, with the urgency to act now. 

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The Hype About Hydrogen, Revised Edition

False Promises and Real Solutions in the Race to Save the Climate

Island Press

For decades, we’ve been promised a high-tech hydrogen economy that never arrives. Yet we continue to pour billions of dollars into hydrogen as part of our low-carbon future. As the window to mitigate climate change narrows, is it time to stop investing in "the fuel of the future?"

In 2003, energy expert Joseph J. Romm wrote The Hype About Hydrogen to explain why hydrogen wasn’t the panacea we were promised—and may never be. In this newly revised and updated edition, Romm builds an even stronger case, explaining the barriers hydrogen faces, from its inefficiency as an energy carrier to the risk of increased global warming from hydrogen leaks. In a series of significant updates, Romm breaks down the latest methods of production, including "green" hydrogen and hydrogen made with nuclear power, and reveals the limitations of suggested applications of hydrogen, including e-fuels and hydrogen cars. The Hype About Hydrogen is essential reading—and a reality check—for anyone who hopes that hydrogen will be a major solution to the climate crisis. 

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Poisoning the Well

How Forever Chemicals Contaminated America

Island Press

This is the shocking true-life story of how PFAS—a set of toxic chemicals most people have never heard of—poisoned the entire country. Based on original, shoe-leather reporting in four highly contaminated towns and damning documents from the polluters’ own files, Poisoning the Well traces an ugly history of corporate greed and devastation of human lives.

We learn that PFAS, the ‘forever chemicals’ found in everyday products, from cooking pans to mascara, are coursing through the veins of 97% of Americans. We witness the pain of families who lost sisters and daughters, cousins and neighbors, after PFAS leached into their drinking water. And we discover evidence that the makers of forever chemicals may have known for decades about the deadly risks of their products.

Heart-wrenching and infuriating, this searing exposé is essential reading for anyone concerned about the unfettered power of industry and the invisible threat it poses to the health of the nation—and to each of us.

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A Year of Compassion

52 Weeks of Living Zero-Waste, Plant-Based, and Cruelty-Free

Island Press

Affectionately known as the Joyful Vegan, Colleen Patrick-Goudreau has been a leading voice in compassionate living for over two decades, guiding countless people to achieve lasting health and purpose. Now, with A Year of Compassion, she shares simple, effective, and impactful actions we can all take to make humankind a little kinder—by protecting animals, supporting the planet, and optimizing our own health.  

One week, you might explore eating by color to boost your nutrient intake, while the next, you could store some basic supplies in your car to help an injured animal or stop junk mail in its tracks. Feel free to skip around, choosing your own sustainable adventure. Whether you read A Year of Compassion cover to cover or take it week by week, Colleen is there to encourage, inspire, and motivate, helping you become the change you want to see in the world.

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Standing for Nature

Legal Strategies for Environmental Justice

Island Press

Standing for Nature is an essential resource for environmental lawyers, policy makers, and advocates. It offers a blueprint for creating, implementing, and safeguarding rights of Nature laws. Granting rights to nature has the potential to expand environmental protections, strengthen indigenous rights, promote environmental justice, and alter how humans relate to nature. Despite these promises, rights of Nature laws have met with greater resistance in some countries than in others. This book looks closely at four examples--New Zealand, Colombia, Bangladesh, and the United States--to bring together valuable lessons for proponents of the rights of Nature movement around the world. 

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The Banks We Deserve

Reclaiming Community Banking for a Just Economy

Island Press

The number of community banks in the US has been steadily declining for decades, giving way to big banks that have little connection to the communities they claim to serve. In The Banks We Deserve, journalist Oscar Perry Abello argues that community banking has a crucial role to play in addressing urgent social challenges, from creating a more racially just economy to preparing for a changing climate.
Abello tells the stories of new community banks — like Adelphi Bank, the first new Black bank in 20 years; or Walden Mutual Bank, the first mutual bank chartered specifically to finance a more sustainable food system. He hopes these stories inspire others to take some of these same daunting-but-not-impossible steps.

For a community or industry that is being ignored by big banks, the idea of starting up a new bank or credit union rarely figures as an option. In The Banks We Deserve, Abello shows advocates, organizers, and innovators that it can be done, that it is being done, and describes a path to support more community banks and credit unions.

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