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Introduction to Restoration Ecology
436 pages, 8 1/2 x 10
135 photos and illustrations
Release Date:13 Oct 2011
CA$124.00 add to cart button Add to cart
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Introduction to Restoration Ecology

Island Press
Restoration ecology is a young field that integrates theory and knowledge from a range of disciplines, including the biological, physical, and social sciences as well as the humanities. This new textbook, written for upper-division undergraduates and first-year graduate students, offers a real-life introduction to the field and an interdisciplinary overview of the theory behind it.
Developed by ecologists and landscape architects, each of whom has been involved in restoration research and practice for many years, the focus of the book is on providing a framework that can be used to guide restoration decisions anywhere on the globe, both now and in the future. The text is organized around a restoration process that has been tested and revised by the authors in their restoration ecology courses taught at the University of Wisconsin-Madison over the past thirty years.
Each chapter includes a series of "Food for Thought" questions that both help students review concepts and put them to work in solving conservation problems. The framework is designed to work with the uniqueness, uncertainty, messiness, and constraints inherent in any real-world restoration project.
Success in ecological restoration requires not only technical proficiency but also skill in the social, cultural, and political arenas. Introduction to Restoration Ecology can help students develop the skills they need to succeed in all of these areas and is a much-needed new resource.

Their formulations are cautious, flexible, and sensitive to the many ambiguities in the restoration process. Planning
...does an admirable job and will deservingly find a place on most restoration bookshelves (or better yet, nightstands) and in many restoration classrooms. I heartily recommend it. Ecological Restoration
Howell et al. have undertaken a challenging task in distilling general principles from these specific circumstances. Restoration Ecology
The book is a well-organized compendium of current knowledge in restoration ecology and will provide a primary source on the topic for years to come Journal of Planning Education and Research
One of the first textbooks in restoration ecology to apply engaging pedagogy with high production values... Conservation Biology
Evelyn Howell, plant ecologist, and John Harrington, landscape architect, are Professors in the Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Together they have taught a four-course restoration ecology sequence since 1984. Steve Glass, restoration ecologist, is Restoration Planner and Fire Manager at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum where he has been active in all phases of restoration since 1989.
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