Another Kind of Justice
Canadian Military Law from Confederation to Somalia
The first historical survey of Canadian military law, providing insights into military justice in Canada, the purpose of military law, and the level of legal professionalism within the Canadian military.
Colonizing Bodies
Aboriginal Health and Healing in British Columbia, 1900-50
This detailed but highly readable ethnohistory shows how a pluralistic medical system evolved among Canada’s most populous Aboriginal population.
Clearcutting the Pacific Rain Forest
Production, Science, and Regulation
This book integrates class, environmental, and political analysis to uncover the history of clearcutting in the Douglas fir forests of BC, Washington, and Oregon between 1880 and 1965.
Death So Noble
Memory, Meaning, and the First World War
This book examines Canada’s collective memory of the First World War through the 1920s and 1930s. It is a cultural history, considering art, music, and literature.
Painting the Maple
Essays on Race, Gender, and the Construction of Canada
Gathering insights from numerous fields about the construction of Canada, this provocative volume illuminates the challenges that lie ahead for all Canadians who aspire to create a better future.
Ways of Knowing
Experience, Knowledge, and Power among the Dene Tha
Drawing on twelve years of fieldwork at Chateh, Jean-Guy Goulet delineates the interconnections between the strands of meaning and experience with which the Dene Tha constitute and creatively engage their world.
The Limits of Labour
Class Formation and the Labour Movement in Calgary, 1883-1929
Fraser Canyon Histories 1808-1939
Juxtaposing historical narratives and cultural interpretation, this book explores the history of Spuzzum and the Nlaka'pamux people on the turbulent Fraser River.
Fort Langley Journals, 1827-30
Contains a wealth of information about social and administrative life at Fort Langley.
Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in Canada
These essays aim to address, and redress, this bias of the colonial doctrine that continues to define and shape Aboriginal and treaty rights in the Canadian legal system.