Showing 641-650 of 757 items.

Native Waters

The University of Arizona Press

Since the beginning of the reservation era, the bitter conflict between Indians and non-Indians over water rights was largely confined to the courtroom. But in the 1980s the federal government began to emphasize negotiated settlements over lawsuits, and the settlements are changing water rights in fundamental ways—not only for tribes but also for non-Indian communities that share scarce water resources with Indians.

In Native Waters, Daniel McCool describes the dramatic impact these settlements are having both on Indian country and on the American West as a whole. Viewing the settlements as a second treaty era, he considers whether they will guarantee the water future of reservations—or, like treaties of old, will require tribes to surrender vast resources in order to retain a small part of their traditional homelands. As one tribal official observed, "It's like your neighbors have been stealing your horses for many years, and now we have to sit down and decide how many of those horses they get to keep." Unlike technical studies of water policy, McCool's book is a readable account that shows us real people attempting to end real disputes that have been going on for decades. He discusses specific water settlements using a combination of approaches—from personal testimony to traditional social science methodology—to capture the richness, complexity, and human texture of the water rights conflict. By explaining the processes and outcomes in plain language and grounding his presentation in relevant explanations of Indian culture, he conveys the complexity of the settlements for readers from a wide range of disciplines.

Native Waters illustrates how America is coming to grips with an issue that has long been characterized by injustice and conflict, seeking to enhance our understanding of the settlements in the hope that this understanding will lead to better settlements for all parties. As one of the first assessments of a policy that will have a pervasive impact for centuries to come, it shows that how we resolve Indian water claims tells us a great deal about who we are as a nation and how we confront difficult issues involving race, culture, and the environment.

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Preserving What Is Valued

Museums, Conservation, and First Nations

UBC Press

What are the “right ways” to preserve heritage? Are the aims and purposes of museums necessarily at odds with those of First Nations? This thoughtful book explores the concept of museum conservation in light of cultural repatriation issues, and helps readers understand the complex relationship between museums and Aboriginal peoples.

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A Trading Nation

Canadian Trade Policy from Colonialism to Globalization

UBC Press

This brilliantly crafted overview and analysis of the historical foundations of modern Canadian trade policy is the first survey to address the history of Canadian commercial policy in over fifty years.

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The Indian Association of Alberta

A History of Political Action

UBC Press

Best known for its role in spearheading the protest against the infamous 1969 White Paper produced by the Department of Indian Affairs, the Indian Association of Alberta played a critical role in mobilizing First Nations peoples to political action.

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The Lessening Stream

The University of Arizona Press

Newcomers to Tucson know the Santa Cruz River as a dry bed that can become a rampaging flood after heavy rains. Yet until the late nineteenth century, the Santa Cruz was an active watercourse that served the region's agricultural needs—until a burgeoning industrial society began to tap the river's underground flow.

The Lessening Stream reviews the changing human use of the Santa Cruz River and its aquifer from the earliest human presence in the valley to today. Michael Logan examines the social, cultural, and political history of the Santa Cruz Valley while interpreting the implications of various cultures' impacts on the river and speculating about the future of water in the region.

Logan traces river history through three eras—archaic, modern, and postmodern—to capture the human history of the river from early Native American farmers through Spanish missionaries to Anglo settlers. He shows how humans first diverted its surface flow, then learned to pump its aquifer, and today fail to fully understand the river's place in the urban environment.

By telling the story of the meandering river—from its origin in southern Arizona through Mexico and the Tucson Basin to its terminus in farmland near Phoenix—Logan links developments throughout the river valley so that a more complete picture of the river's history emerges. He also contemplates the future of the Santa Cruz by confronting the serious problems posed by groundwater pumping in Tucson and addressing the effects of the Central Arizona Project on the river valley.

Skillfully interweaving history with hydrology, geology, archaeology, and anthropology, The Lessening Stream makes an important contribution to the environmental history of southern Arizona. It reminds us that, because water will always be the focus for human activity in the desert, we desperately need a more complete understanding of its place in our lives.

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Hobnobbing with a Countess and Other Okanagan Adventures

The Diaries of Alice Barrett Parke, 1891-1900

Edited by Jo Fraser Jones
UBC Press

In 1891, Alice Barrett moved from Port Dover, Ontario, to the Okanagan Valley. Few women’s diaries have survived from that time, and Barrett Parke recalls a period of profound transformation in a region newly opened to white settlement.

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Place, Culture and Identity

Essays in Historical Geography in Honour of Alan R.H. Baker

Les Presses de l'Université Laval, Laval University Press

This book features twelve commissioned essays recognizing Alan R.H. Baker, a leading scholar in historical geographyhighly influential and innovative contributions.

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Scars of War

The Impact of Warfare on Modern China

UBC Press

A forceful look at the long-term social and psychological impact of warfare on modern China’s civilian population.

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