Commanding Canadians
The Second World War Diaries of A.F.C. Layard
Commander A.F.C. Layard, RN, wrote almost daily in his diary from 1913 until 1947. The pivotal 1943-45 years of this edited volume offer an extraordinarily full and honest chronicle, revealing Layard’s preoccupations, both with the daily details and with the strain and responsibility of wartime command at sea.
The Middle Power Project
Canada and the Founding of the United Nations
Based on materials not previously available to Canadian scholars, The Middle Power Project presents a critical reassessment of the traditional and widely accepted account of Canada’s role and interests in the formation of the United Nations.
Treaty Promises, Indian Reality
Life on a Reserve
In a respectful and personal account of his life and the Cowessess people, Harold LeRat, shares the history and many successes of Indian peoples, despite the numerous challenges they faced.
Negotiating Identities in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Montreal
In this illuminating history of Montreal, readers will discover the links between identity, place, and historical moment as they meet vagrant women, sailors in port, unemployed men of the Great Depression, elite families, shopkeepers, reformers, notaries, and social workers.
Shaped by the West Wind
Nature and History in Georgian Bay
This wide-ranging history of Georgian Bay examines changing cultural representations of landscape over time, shifts between resource development and recreational use, and environmental politics of place -- stories central to the Canadian experience.
Our Box Was Full
An Ethnography for the Delgamuukw Plaintiffs
Daly explores the central meaning of the notion of land in the determination of Aboriginal rights with particular reference to the landmark Delgamuukw case that occupied the British Columbia courts from 1987 to 1997.
Hometown Horizons
Local Responses to Canada's Great War
Alive with personal stories, this book considers how people and communities on the Canadian home front perceived the Great War.
Despotic Dominion
Property Rights in British Settler Societies
Brings together the work of scholars whose study of the evolution of property law in the colonies recognizes the value in locating property law and rights within the broader political, economic, and intellectual contexts of those societies.
Longitude and Empire
How Captain Cook's Voyages Changed the World
This fascinating account offers a new understanding of Captain Cook’s voyages and how they affected the European world view.
The Soldiers' General
Bert Hoffmeister at War
A complex, analytical yet accessible portrait of Bert Hoffmeister, who won more awards than any Canadian officer in the Second World War.