Showing 501-550 of 667 items.

Negotiating Buck Naked

Doukhobors, Public Policy, and Conflict Resolution

UBC Press

Soon after the arrival of Doukhobors to British Columbia, new immigrants clashed with the state over issues such as land ownership, the registration of births and deaths, and school attendance. As positions hardened, the conflict, often violent, intensified and continued unabated for the better part of a century, until an accord was finally negotiated in the mid-1980s.

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Fighting from Home

The Second World War in Verdun, Quebec

UBC Press

A comprehensive, at times intimate, portrait of Verdun and Verdunites, both English and French, during the Second World War.

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River of Memory

The Everlasting Columbia

UBC Press

River of Memory fosters connections between the river’s natural and human histories by encouraging readers to linger along the river’s shores and spend time reflecting on its dramatic mountain and plateau landscapes.

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Clio's Warriors

Canadian Historians and the Writing of the World Wars

UBC Press

Acclaimed historian and author Tim Cook (At the Sharp End) analyses where the practice of academic military history has come from and where it needs to go.

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Journalism of Attachment

Dutch Newspapers during the Bosnian War

UBC Press

Drawing on an extensive content analysis of news coverage about the Bosnian war, this study describes the phenomenon of “journalism of attachment” as reflected in Dutch newspapers covering the Bosnian war.

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With Good Intentions

Euro-Canadian and Aboriginal Relations in Colonial Canada

UBC Press

Examines the joint efforts of Aboriginal people and individuals of European ancestry to counter injustice in Canada when colonization was at its height, from the mid-nineteenth to the early twentieth century.

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Japan's Modern Prophet

Uchimura Kanzô, 1861-1930

UBC Press

Charts the introduction of Christianity to Japan through the life of Uchimura Kanzô, was one of Japan’s foremost thinkers, whose ideas influenced contemporary novelists, statesmen, reformers, and religious leaders.

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Brute Souls, Happy Beasts, and Evolution

The Historical Status of Animals

UBC Press

In this provocative inquiry into the status of animals in human society from the fifth century BC to the present, Rod Preece provides a wholly new perspective on the human-animal relationship.

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Laws and Societies in the Canadian Prairie West, 1670-1940

UBC Press

Challenging myths about a peaceful west and prairie exceptionalism, the book explores the substance of prairie legal history and the degree to which the region's mentality is rooted in the historical experience of distinctive prairie peoples.

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Prisoners of the Home Front

German POWs and "Enemy Aliens" in Southern Quebec, 1940-46

UBC Press

Detailing the day-to-day affairs of Germans civilians and POWs in Canadian internment camps camps during the Second World War, this book fills an important void in our knowledge of the Canadian home front.

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Contact Zones

Aboriginal and Settler Women in Canada's Colonial Past

UBC Press

This provocative book examines how women were uniquely positioned at the axis of the colonial encounter – the so-called “contact zone” – between Aboriginals and newcomers.

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Commanding Canadians

The Second World War Diaries of A.F.C. Layard

Edited by Michael Whitby
UBC Press

Commander A.F.C. Layard, RN, wrote almost daily in his diary from 1913 until 1947. The pivotal 1943-45 years of this edited volume offer an extraordinarily full and honest chronicle, revealing Layard’s preoccupations, both with the daily details and with the strain and responsibility of wartime command at sea.

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The Middle Power Project

Canada and the Founding of the United Nations

UBC Press

Based on materials not previously available to Canadian scholars, The Middle Power Project presents a critical reassessment of the traditional and widely accepted account of Canada’s role and interests in the formation of the United Nations.

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Treaty Promises, Indian Reality

Life on a Reserve

UBC Press, Purich Publishing

In a respectful and personal account of his life and the Cowessess people, Harold LeRat, shares the history and many successes of Indian peoples, despite the numerous challenges they faced.

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Negotiating Identities in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Montreal

UBC Press

In this illuminating history of Montreal, readers will discover the links between identity, place, and historical moment as they meet vagrant women, sailors in port, unemployed men of the Great Depression, elite families, shopkeepers, reformers, notaries, and social workers.

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Shaped by the West Wind

Nature and History in Georgian Bay

UBC Press

This wide-ranging history of Georgian Bay examines changing cultural representations of landscape over time, shifts between resource development and recreational use, and environmental politics of place -- stories central to the Canadian experience.

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Our Box Was Full

An Ethnography for the Delgamuukw Plaintiffs

UBC Press

Daly explores the central meaning of the notion of land in the determination of Aboriginal rights with particular reference to the landmark Delgamuukw case that occupied the British Columbia courts from 1987 to 1997.

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Hometown Horizons

Local Responses to Canada's Great War

UBC Press

Alive with personal stories, this book considers how people and communities on the Canadian home front perceived the Great War.

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Despotic Dominion

Property Rights in British Settler Societies

UBC Press

Brings together the work of scholars whose study of the evolution of property law in the colonies recognizes the value in locating property law and rights within the broader political, economic, and intellectual contexts of those societies.

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Longitude and Empire

How Captain Cook's Voyages Changed the World

UBC Press

This fascinating account offers a new understanding of Captain Cook’s voyages and how they affected the European world view.

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The Soldiers' General

Bert Hoffmeister at War

UBC Press

A complex, analytical yet accessible portrait of Bert Hoffmeister, who won more awards than any Canadian officer in the Second World War.

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A Breach of Duty

Fiduciary Obligations and Aboriginal Peoples

UBC Press, Purich Publishing

The government, Guerin, and the golf course: the inside story of the Musqueam people’s 26-year struggle to right the injustice done to them by the federal government in leasing their land as a golf course.

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First Nations Sacred Sites in Canada's Courts

UBC Press

This book demonstrates how and why courts have failed to fairly treat First Nations sacred sites, which are under increasing threat worldwide due to state appropriation and insatiable demands on natural resources.

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The Heiress vs the Establishment

Mrs. Campbell's Campaign for Legal Justice

UBC Press

A rare first-person account of Canada’s early twentieth century legal system, this books retells the Mrs. Campbell fourteen-year-battle with the Ontario legal establishment to claim her mother’s estate.

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Imagining Difference

Legend, Curse, and Spectacle in a Canadian Mining Town

UBC Press

An ethnography about historical and contemporary ideas of human difference expressed by residents of Fernie, BC, a coal-mining town transforming into an international ski resort.

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Canada and the End of Empire

Edited by Phillip Buckner
UBC Press

This collection deals with a neglected subject in post-Confederation Canadian history – the implications to Canada and Canadians of British decolonization and the end of empire.

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From UI to EI

Waging War on the Welfare State

UBC Press

From UI to EI examines the history of Canada’s unemployment insurance system and the rights it grants to the unemployed.

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Dominion and the Rising Sun

Canada Encounters Japan, 1929-1941

UBC Press
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CCF Colonialism in Northern Saskatchewan

Battling Parish Priests, Bootleggers, and Fur Sharks

UBC Press

An elegantly written history that documents the colonial relationship between the CCF and the Saskatchewan north.

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Selling British Columbia

Tourism and Consumer Culture, 1890-1970

UBC Press

An entertaining and illustrated account of the development of BC's tourist industry between 1890 and 1970, examining how BC’s history of colonialism was deftly marketed to potential tourists.

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Fight or Pay

Soldiers' Families in the Great War

UBC Press

In Fight or Pay, Desmond Morton turns his eye to the stories of those who paid in lieu of fighting – the wives, mothers, and families left behind when soldiers went to war.

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Northern Exposures

Photographing and Filming the Canadian North, 1920-45

UBC Press

Illustrated throughout with archival photographs, this book examines the photographic and film practice of the Canadian government, the Anglican Church of Canada, and the Hudson’s Bay Company, the three major colonial institutions involved in the arctic and sub-arctic.

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The Red Man's on the Warpath

The Image of the "Indian" and the Second World War

UBC Press

This book explores how wartime symbolism and imagery propelled the “Indian problem” onto the national agenda, and why assimilation remained the goal of post-war Canadian Indian policy – even though the war required that it be rationalized in new ways.

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“Real” Indians and Others

Mixed-Blood Urban Native Peoples and Indigenous Nationhood

UBC Press

A pioneering look at how mixed-blood urban Native people understand their identities and struggle to survive in a world that often fails to recognize them.

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A Nuu-chah-nulth Worldview

UBC Press

This book explores the Nuu-chah-nulth understanding of the universe as an integrated and orderly whole, providing a viable theoretical alternative that both complements and expands the view of reality presented by Western science.

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Paddling to Where I Stand

Agnes Alfred, Qwiqwasutinuxw Noblewoman

UBC Press

A first-hand account of the greatest period of change experienced by the Kwakwaka'wakw people since their first contact with Europeans.

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Saints, Sinners, and Soldiers

Canada's Second World War

UBC Press

From labour conflicts to the black market to prostitution, this book examines the moral and social underbelly of Canada’s Second World War.

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Canadians Behind Enemy Lines, 1939-1945

UBC Press

A history of the activities and lives of undercover Canadian operatives in Europe and Asia during World War II.

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Negotiated Memory

Doukhobor Autobiographical Discourse

UBC Press

This demonstrates how the Doukhobors employed both “classic” and alternative forms of autobiography to communicate their views about communal living, vegetarianism, activism, and spiritual life, as well as to pass on traditions to successive generations.

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Gutenberg in Shanghai

Chinese Print Capitalism, 1876-1937

UBC Press

Gutenberg in Shanghai demonstrates how Western technology and evolving traditional values resulted in the birth of a unique form of print capitalism whose influence on Chinese culture was far-reaching and irreversible.

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The Cult of Happiness

Nianhua, Art, and History in Rural North China

UBC Press

The Cult of Happiness is among the first studies in any field to treat folk art and folk print as historical text. As such, this richly illustrated volume will appeal to a wide range of scholars in Asian studies, history, art history, folklore and print, as well as anyone having a passion for the creativity and culture of rural society.

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A Voyage to the North West Side of America

The Journals of James Colnett, 1786-89

UBC Press

The journal of James Colnett is the last unpublished account of the early maritime fur trade on the Northwest Coast.

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When Coal Was King

Ladysmith and the Coal-Mining Industry on Vancouver Island

UBC Press

The first scholarly history of the Ladysmith miners, the Great Strike of 1912-1914, and the coalmining industry on Vancouver Island.

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Frigates and Foremasts

The North American Squadron in Nova Scotia Waters 1745-1815

UBC Press

A meticulously researched and groundbreaking study of the activities and motivations of the British Navy on North America’s eastern seabord.

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The Oriental Question

Consolidating a White Man's Province, 1914-41

UBC Press

Patricia E. Roy continues her study into why British Columbians were historically so opposed to Asian immigration.

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Hunters and Bureaucrats

Power, Knowledge, and Aboriginal-State Relations in the Southwest Yukon

UBC Press

A timely anthropological examination of the effect of land claims settlements and co-management of resources on the Kluane First Nation of the Southwest Yukon.

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Emerging from the Mist

Studies in Northwest Coast Culture History

UBC Press

This book brings together the most recent research on the culture history and archaeology of a region of longstanding anthropological importance, whose complex societies represent the most prominent examples of hunters and gatherers.

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Tales of Ghosts

First Nations Art in British Columbia, 1922-61

UBC Press

An insightful examination of the complex functions of Northwest Coast art objects produced between 1922 and 1961, and a vital addition to First Nations and Canadian history.

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Parties Long Estranged

Canada and Australia in the Twentieth Century

UBC Press

A comparative collection of essays that examine different aspects of Canadian-Australian relations throughout the twentieth century.

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Game in the Garden

A Human History of Wildlife in Western Canada to 1940

UBC Press

This intriguing book identifies the imaginative use of wild animals in early western society and shows how attitudes to wild animals changed according to subsistence and economic needs and how wildlife helped to determine social relations among people.

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