Showing 1-10 of 10 items.

Indians, Fire, and the Land in the Pacific Northwest

Oregon State University Press

This publication is supported by a generous grant from the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde through their Cultural Resources Publication Sponsorship Program

Instead of discovering a land blanketed by dense forests, early explorers of the Pacific Northwest encountered a varied landscape including open woods, meadows, and prairies. Far from a pristine wilderness, much of the Northwest was actively managed and shaped by the hands of its Native American inhabitants. Their primary tool was fire.

This volume takes an interdisciplinary approach to one of the most important issues concerning Native Americans and their relationship to the land. Over more than 10,000 years, Native Americans in the Northwest learned the intricacies of their local environments and how to use fire to create desired effects, mostly in the quest for food.

Drawing on historical journals, Native American informants, and ethnobotanical and forestry studies, this book’s contributors describe local patterns of fire use in eight ecoregions, representing all parts of the Native Northwest, from southwest Oregon to British Columbia and from Puget Sound to the Northern Rockies. Their essays provide glimpses into a unique understanding of the environment, one that draws on traditional ecological knowledge. Together, these writings also offer historical perspective on the contemporary debate over “prescribed burning” and management of public lands.

This updated edition includes a foreword by Frank K. Lake and a new epilogue by editor Robert T. Boyd. Contributors include Stephen Arno, Stephen Barrett, Theresa Ferguson, David French, Eugene Hunn, Leslie Johnson, Jeff LaLande, Estella Leopold, Henry Lewis, Helen H. Norton, Reg Pullen, William Robbins, John Ross, Nancy Turner, and Richard White.


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The Indian School on Magnolia Avenue

Voices and Images from Sherman Institute

Oregon State University Press

The first collection of writings and images focused on an off-reservation Indian boarding school, The Indian School on Magnolia Avenue shares the fascinating story of this flagship institution. The contributors to the volume tell the story of of how the federal government worked to transform American Indian students into productive farmers, carpenters, homemakers, nurses, cooks, and seamstresses, and how most students survived the agenda of cultural genocide to benefit themselves and the well-being of their communities.

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Sandal and the Cave, The

The Indians of Oregon

Oregon State University Press
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The Nehalem Tillamook

An Ethnography

Oregon State University Press
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Uncertain Encounters

Indians and Whites at Peace and War in Southern Oregon, 1820s-1860s

Oregon State University Press
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Badger and Coyote Were Neighbors

Melville Jacobs on Northwest Indian Myths and Tales

Oregon State University Press
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Chiefs and Change in the Oregon Country

Indian Relations at Fort Nez Percés, 1818-1855, Volume 2

Oregon State University Press
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Requiem for a People

The Rogue Indians and the Frontiersmen

Oregon State University Press
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On Interpretation

Sociology for Interpreters of Natural and Cultural

Edited by Gary E. Machlis
Oregon State University Press
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