Faulkner, Welty, Wright
A Mississippi Confluence
An engaging, diverse collection that considers together a trio of Mississippi literary giants
Faulkner's Families
A new and fascinating volume that explores the theme of family in the works by the great Mississippi writer
Faulkner and Slavery
A long-awaited assessment of the Nobel laureate’s work in relation to America’s cosmic sin
Faulkner and Print Culture
A fascinating survey of Faulkner’s publishing history with periodicals and publishing houses
Faulkner and Money
A thorough assay of the Nobel Laureate through the lens of lucre
Faulkner and History
A stimulating treatment of the intersection between history and literature in the Nobel Laureate’s work
Faulkner and the Native South
An exploration of the Nobel laureate’s engagement with Native Americans and the ways in which Native American writing illuminates Faulkner
Faulkner and the Black Literatures of the Americas
The dynamic interplay between the work of the Nobel laureate and black writers
Faulkner in the Twenty-First Century
A turn-of-the-century map of where Faulkner studies have traveled and where they are headed
Faulkner's Inheritance
Examinations of the many influences on Faulkner’s fiction