Showing 11-20 of 62 items.

ADHD Is Our Superpower

The Amazing Talents and Skills of Children with ADHD

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

An empowering kids' guide to all aspects of an ADHD diagnosis.

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Boost Your Therapeutic Parenting Through Ten Transformative Steps

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Transform your parenting and support your child's behaviour using Dr. Elliott's 10 superparenting steps

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A World without Martha

A Memoir of Sisters, Disability, and Difference

UBC Press, Purich Books

A World without Martha is an unflinching yet compassionate memoir of how one sister’s institutionalization for intellectual disability in the 1960s affected the other, sending them both on separate but parallel journeys shaped initially by society’s inability to accept difference and later by changing attitudes towards disability, identity, and inclusion.

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Caring for Children

Social Movements and Public Policy in Canada

UBC Press

Caring for Children interrogates Canadian public policies on the care of children, asking why the burden of care falls so heavily on women as mothers and caregivers, and what social movements are doing to try to redesign the politics of caring for children.

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Toilet Training and Autism Spectrum Disorder

A Guide for Professionals

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This book looks at toilet training difficulties for children with autism spectrum conditions, and presents practical interventions to help children overcome these problems. Packed with essential information on bowel and bladder function, this book also gives helpful advice for developing and implementing a toilet plan in different settings.

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Older Adults and Autism Spectrum Conditions

An Introduction and Guide

By Wenn Lawson; Foreword by Carol Povey
Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Highlighting the specific difficulties and challenges that older people with autism may face with regards to living arrangements, changes to social habits and communicating with carers, as well as health issues, this book shows ways to support people with autism as they reach retirement age.

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Games and Activities for Attaching With Your Child

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

The authors present strategies for engaging children in fun activities to aid positive attachment between a parent or carer and their child. Each game is designed with specific age groups in mind, and activities are recommended to target specific needs in children that affect attachment, such as fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.

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Who Is Bob_34?

Investigating Child Cyberpornography

UBC Press

Researchers Francis Fortin and Patrice Corriveau investigate the clandestine world of child cyberpornography to understand who produces, exchanges, and consumes pedo-pornographic images.

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Marriage and Lasting Relationships with Asperger's Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder)

Successful Strategies for Couples or Counselors

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Offering practical advice straight from the couples counseling room, Eva A. Mendes provides an insider's view into what couples and counselors can do to help make an ASD relationship last. She outlines the challenges faced in an ASD relationship and provides strategies that can improve the lives and marriages of couples on a daily basis.

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Helping Foster Children In School

A Guide for Foster Parents, Social Workers and Teachers

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Foster children often struggle in school, performing poorly both in terms of their behavior and academic performance. This book is full of positive strategies to help foster parents, educators and social workers to support these children more effectively.

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