Evaluations of US Poetry since 1950, Volume 2
336 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Dec 2021

Evaluations of US Poetry since 1950, Volume 2

Mind, Nation, and Power

University of New Mexico Press

Horace speaks of poetry delighting and instructing. While Evaluations of US Poetry since 1950, Volume 1 explores the pleasures of poetry—its language, forms, and musicality—volume 2 focuses on the public dimensions. In this volume, von Hallberg and Faggen have gathered a diverse selection of poets to explore questions such as: How does poetry instruct a society with a highly evolved knowledge industry? Do poems bear a relation to the disciplined idioms of learning? What do poets think of as intellectual work? What is the importance of recognizable subject matter? What can honestly be said by poets concerning this nation so hungry for learning and so fixated on its own power? To these questions, the literary critics collected here find some answers in the poetry of Robert Pinsky, Susan Howe, Robert Hass, Anthony Hecht, Adrienne Rich, Sharon Olds, Ed Dorn, and August Kleinzahler.

Evaluations is an important intervention in the study of twentieth- and twenty-first-century American poetry. The book exemplifies the value of evaluative criticism by presenting provocative arguments about the value of specific poets. Joshua Kotin, author of Utopias of One

Robert von Hallberg is a professor of literature at Claremont McKenna College. He is the author and editor of several books, including The Maltese Falcon to Body of Lies: Spies, Noirs, and Trust (UNM Press). Robert Faggen is the Barton Evans and H. Andrea Neves Professor of Literature at Claremont McKenna College. He is the author, editor, and coeditor of several books, including The Cambridge Introduction to Robert Frost.


Robert von Hallberg and Robert Faggen


Chapter One. Why the Poetry of Adrienne Rich Mattered and Still Matters

Charles Altieri

Chapter Two. Michael Palmer and the Linguistic Turn

V. Joshua Adams

Chapter Three. Susan Howe and Valuing

Oren Izenberg

Chapter Four. Fanny Howe’s Power

Peter O’Leary

Chapter Five. A Field Guide to Robert Hass

Richard Strier

Subject Matter

Chapter Six. Anthony Hecht: Worth the Weight

Jonathan F. S. Post

Chapter Seven. Ecovaluation

John Shoptaw

Chapter Eight. Sharon Olds and the Work of the Body

Sarah Nooter

Chapter Nine. "A Kind of Life": On Lucille Clifton and Community

Jonathan Farmer

Chapter Ten. Ed Dorn’s Vulgate

Keith Tuma


Chapter Eleven. Strange American Heart: August Kleinzahler

Patrick Morrissey

Chapter Twelve. Robert Pinsky’s Affirmations

Robert von Hallberg

Chapter Thirteen. On Michael O’Brien

August Kleinzahler


Chapter Fourteen. Barbara Guest and Jorie Graham

Cal Bedient

Chapter Fifteen. Ashbery’s Power and the Phantom "I"

Laura Quinney


Robert Faggen and Robert von Hallberg



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