Showing 21-30 of 130 items.


Deinstitutionalization and Partial Defenses in State Higher Education Policy

Rutgers University Press

The changing politics of the Right place it on a collision course with higher education. These political forces support a policy agenda of deinstitutionalization, in which Republican officials both slash funding for and undermine trust in public higher education. Campus leaders respond with partial defenses that provide short-term relief without addressing underlying mistrust. Wrecked traces the disastrous collision between the Right and higher education resulting from these politics, policies and practices.

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Inclusive Teaching

Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom

West Virginia University Press

Award-winning teachers offer practical tips for addressing inequities in the college classroom and for making all students feel welcome and included.

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Teaching Matters

A Guide for Graduate Students

West Virginia University Press

A practical and evidence-based teaching guide for graduate students across all fields.

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Remembering and Forgetting in the Age of Technology

Teaching, Learning, and the Science of Memory in a Wired World

West Virginia University Press

What does memory mean for learning in an age of smartphones and search engines?

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The Successful TA

A Practical Approach to Effective Teaching

UBC Press, On Campus

Feel confident stepping into your role as a TA with help from this short, practical guide, which demystifies everything from how to interact with course instructors to giving students feedback on their work.

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Black Space

Negotiating Race, Diversity, and Belonging in the Ivory Tower

Rutgers University Press

Protests against systemic racism have swept across elite colleges and universities, raising questions about what it means for Black students to belong on these campuses. Sherry L. Deckman takes us into the lives of students in the Kuumba Singers, a Black student organization with racially diverse members and a self-proclaimed safe space for anyone but particularly Black students, as a case study in exploring race, diversity, and safe space.

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You @ the U

A Guided Tour through Your First Year of University

UBC Press, On Campus

In this essential guide, university counsellor Janet Miller draws on her wit, wisdom, and decades of experience to help first-time students – of whatever age – prep for and survive their first year of university.

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The Reimagined PhD

Navigating 21st Century Humanities Education

Rutgers University Press

Long seen as proving grounds for professors, PhD programs have begun to shed this singular sense of mission. The Reimagined PhD normalizes the multiple career paths open to PhD students, while providing practical advice geared to help students, faculty, and administrators incorporate professional skills into graduate training, build career networks, and prepare PhDs for a range of careers.

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Special Admission

How College Sports Recruitment Favors White Suburban Athletes

Rutgers University Press

Special Admission contradicts the national belief that college sports provide an avenue for upward mobility. Kirsten Hextrum reveals the dynamic relationship between the state, elite groups, private entities, educational institutions, and athletic organizations that concentrate opportunities in white suburban communities. Thus, college sports allow white, middle-class athletes to accelerate their advantages through admission to elite universities.

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U.S. Power in International Higher Education

Edited by Jenny J. Lee
Rutgers University Press

U.S. Power in International Higher Education demonstrates the advantage that the United States has in international higher education by presenting broad trends as well as in-depth accounts about how power is evident across a range of international activities.

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