Showing 1-10 of 128 items.

Higher Education amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

Supporting Teaching and Learning through Turbulent Times

Rutgers University Press

Higher Education amid the COVID-19 Pandemic documents first-hand experiences from faculty and students in order to help navigate the path to supporting teaching and learning in the wake of the pandemic, and beyond. With essays from a diverse range of experts, this volume will serve as a comprehensive guide to many affected higher education communities.

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Reading the Room

Lessons on Pedagogy and Curriculum from the Gender and Sexuality Studies Classroom

Concordia University Press
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Inaccessible Access

Rethinking Disability Inclusion in Academic Knowledge Creation

Edited by Kelly Fagan Robinson, Mark T. Carew, and Nora Ellen Groce; Illustrated by Indigo Ayling; Introduction by Kelly Fagan Robinson; Preface by Mark T. Carew; Afterword by Michele Friedner
Rutgers University Press

Inaccessible Access ethnographically addresses barriers to inclusion within knowledge-making. It focuses on the social, environmental, communicative, and epistemological barriers that people with disabilities confront and embody throughout the course of their learning, living and in the specific context of their Higher Education Institutions and in research.

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Inaccessible Access

Rethinking Disability Inclusion in Academic Knowledge Creation

Edited by Kelly Fagan Robinson, Mark T. Carew, and Nora Ellen Groce; Illustrated by Indigo Ayling; Introduction by Kelly Fagan Robinson; Preface by Mark T. Carew; Afterword by Michele Friedner
Rutgers University Press

Inaccessible Access ethnographically addresses barriers to inclusion within knowledge-making. It focuses on the social, environmental, communicative, and epistemological barriers that people with disabilities confront and embody throughout the course of their learning, living and in the specific context of their Higher Education Institutions and in research.

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Embracing Queer Students’ Diverse Identities at Historically Black Colleges and Universities

A Primer for Presidents, Administrators, and Faculty

Rutgers University Press

Embracing Queer Students’ Diverse Identities at Historically Black Colleges and Universities: A Primer for Presidents, Administrators, and Faculty serves as a resource for Historically Black College and University (HBCU) stakeholders and highlights fundamental concerns and urgent topics regarding lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) HBCU constituents.

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Embracing Queer Students’ Diverse Identities at Historically Black Colleges and Universities

A Primer for Presidents, Administrators, and Faculty

Rutgers University Press

Embracing Queer Students’ Diverse Identities at Historically Black Colleges and Universities: A Primer for Presidents, Administrators, and Faculty serves as a resource for Historically Black College and University (HBCU) stakeholders and highlights fundamental concerns and urgent topics regarding lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) HBCU constituents.

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Latin* Students in Engineering

An Intentional Focus on a Growing Population

Rutgers University Press

Latin* Students in Engineering examines the state of Latin* engineering education at present as well as considerations for policy and practice regarding engineering education aimed at enhancing opportunity and better serving Latin* students. The essays in this volume first consider, theoretically and empirically, the experiences of Latin* students in engineering education and then expand beyond the student level to focus on institutional and social structures that challenge Latin* students' success and retention.

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Brotherhood University

Black Men's Friendships and the Transition to Adulthood

Rutgers University Press

In Brotherhood University, Brandon A. Jackson examines how a group of collegiate Black men form an emotion culture characterized by vulnerability, loyalty, and trust, which facilitated the creation of brotherhood. This enduring bond provided the men with the necessary social support to navigate the precarity of the transition to adulthood and gendered racism both during and after college.

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Glass Ceilings and Ivory Towers

Gender Inequality in the Canadian Academy

UBC Press

Glass Ceilings and Ivory Towers amasses vital, data-driven research that both corroborates enduring accounts of inequality for women academics and offers pathways toward substantive policy change.

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Stepping Away

Returning to the Faculty After Senior Academic Leadership

Rutgers University Press

Senior leadership transitions in higher education are inevitable. Given their ubiquity, those who work in colleges and universities share the responsibility to make these changing of the guard moments beneficial both for institutions and leaders. Moving beyond the well-worn cliché of "stepping down," Stepping Away identifies policies that institutions, administrators, chairs, and members of governing boards can enact as leaders assume a new place in the social architecture of their campus.

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