Ecology and the Environment
240 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Release Date:15 Sep 2011
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Ecology and the Environment

The Mechanisms, Marrings, and Maintenance of Nature

Templeton Press

Ecology and the Environment: The Mechanisms, Marring, and Maintenance of Nature is the ninth title published in the Templeton Science and Religion Series, in which scientists from a wide range of fields distill their experience and knowledge into brief tours of their respective specialties. In this volume, R. J. Berry, a well-known leader in the field of ecology, describes the basic concepts of ecology and seeks to put them into a general context for a reader who lacks any scientific background.

Berry explores the implications of these basic concepts and how they affect human life and the decisions we have to make, both as individuals and as members of a species that has colonized and influenced every part of the globe. He points out that we are a part of the animal world, but at the same time, we are apart from it, and he makes it clear that how we relate to our environment affects the quality of our life—indeed, it may affect our very survival. Going beyond a simple introduction of concepts, the book explores wider questions about the nature of humanity and how human ecology relates to humanness. Berry proposes that we are more than machines or even advanced apes—we are Homo divinus, transformed from an organism descended from the same stock as the apes but qualitatively different and able to relate to a creator God. The book argues that those who conclude otherwise are neglecting relevant data.
Berry offers the perfect introduction to these philosophical and theological issues, but his work never loses sight of the practical issues either—the kind that is increasingly being addressed by national and international environmental agencies. In order to grasp the full scope of these issues and to more fully understand the ubiquitous news headlines concerning environmental matters, a reader would do well to start with Ecology and the Environment.

R. J. Berry was a professor of genetics at University College London from 1974 to 2000. He is a distinguished ecologist, having served as president of the British Ecological Society and the European Ecological Federation and authoring over 200 scientific papers. For many years, Berry has been involved in debates about the relationship of science and the Christian faith. He is a founding member of the International Society for Science and Religion, an ex-president of  Christians in Science, and a Gifford Lecturer. He has also served on the Ethics Working Group of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and represented the United Kingdom at a G7 conference which led to the drawing up of a Code of Environmental Practice.

Preface / vii
Chapter 1: Ecology—The Study of Place / 3
Chapter 2: A Green Machine / 26
Chapter 3: From Deluge to Biogeography / 69
Chapter 4: Stewardship and Ecological Services / 99
Chapter 5: Environmental Literacy / 117
Chapter 6: The Proper Study of Mankind / 132
Chapter 7: The Most Dangerous Species / 150
Chapter 8: God’s Two Books / 184
Acknowledgments / 211
Notes / 213
Further Reading / 217
Index / 221
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