Principles of Chinese Medicine
Revised Edition
Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, qigong, tui na massage and diet therapy have been used by the Chinese for over 2000 years, and they are still the treatments of choice for millions of people throughout the East.
Principles of Kinesiology
Kinesiology is a system of natural health care which combines muscle testing with the principles of Chinese medicine to assess energy and body function.
Principles of Chinese Herbal Medicine
Revised Edition
Chinese herbal medicine has become an increasingly popular method of treatment for a range of different health conditions - from eczema to fertility problems. This book presents an authoritative introduction to the fundamentals of Chinese herbal medicine.
Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain
The Essence of Tai Ji
The seminal classic text of Taoism and Tai Ji.
A Tai Chi Imagery Workbook
Spirit, Intent, and Motion
This innovative book makes the benefits of Tai Chi directly available to Westerners by communicating its essence in poetic, evocative, and humorous images.