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Barrio Gangs
220 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Oct 1988
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Barrio Gangs

Street Life and Identity in Southern California

University of Texas Press

Within the Mexican American barrios of Los Angeles, gang activity, including crime and violent acts, has grown and flourished. In the past, community leaders and law enforcement officials have approached the problem, not as something that needs to be understood, but only as something to be gotten rid of. Rejecting that approach, James D. Vigil asserts that only by understanding the complex factors that give birth and persistence to gangs can gang violence be ended.

Drawing on many years of experience in the barrios as a youth worker, high school teacher, and researcher, Vigil identifies the elements from which gangs spring: isolation from the dominant culture, poverty, family stress and crowded households, peer pressure, and the adolescent struggle for self-identity. Using interviews with actual gang members, he reveals how the gang often functions as parent, school, and law enforcement in the absence of other role models in the gang members' lives. And he accounts for the longevity of gangs, sometimes over decades, by showing how they offer barrio youth a sense of identity and belonging nowhere else available.

This book is a major contribution to understanding Chicano gangs, and the multiple marginality framework will prove helpful in understanding other Chicano subcultures in very different contexts. American Anthropologist
James Diego Vigil is Professor of Social Ecology at the University of California, Irvine.
  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Ecological and Socioeconomic Background to Emergence of Street Gangs
  • 3. Sociocultural Factors in the Choloization of the Mexican American Youth
  • Population
  • 4. Four Life Histories—Wizard, Geronimo, Freddie, and Henry
  • 5. The Gang Subculture as a Lifeway: Structure, Process, and Form
  • 6. The Notorious Side of the Gang Subculture
  • 7. Psychodynamics of Gangs
  • 8. Conclusion
  • Glossary
  • References
  • Index
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