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Acting for America
288 pages, 6 1/8 x 9 1/4
59 illustrations. 59 photographs
Release Date:17 May 2010
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Acting for America

Movie Stars of the 1980s

Edited by Robert Eberwein; Introduction by Robert Eberwein
Rutgers University Press
A captivating cast of 1980s power and talent--John Candy, Tom Cruise, Robert DeNiro, Clint Eastwood, Sally Field, Harrison Ford, Michael J. Fox, Mel Gibson, Goldie Hawn, Jessica Lange, Steve Martin, Eddie Murphy, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sissy Spacek, Sylvester Stallone, Meryl Streep, Sigourney Weaver, Bruce Willis, and the "Brat Pack"—stars in the drama of this decade. Acting for America focuses on the way these film icons have engaged in and defined some major issues of cultural and social concern to America during the 1980s.

Scholars employing a variety of useful approaches explore how these movie stars' films speak to an increased audience awareness of advances in feminism, new ideas about masculinity, and the complex political atmosphere in the Age of Reagan. The essays demonstrate the range of these stars' contributions to such conversations in a variety of films, including blockbusters and major genres.
ROBERT EBERWEIN is distinguished professor of English emeritus at Oakland University. He is the author of Armed Forces: Masculinity and Sexuality in the American War Film; The War Film; Sex ED: Film, Video, and the Framework of Desire (all Rutgers University Press), and The Hollywood War Film.
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